Educational technologies as a tool for implementing GEF to. Modern pedagogical technologies in the conditions of introducing GEF to. Stages of work on the project

Irina Schepietinnikova
Modern pedagogical technologies in the conditions of introducing GEF to

Term « pedagogical technology» Very popular in recent years. Concept « pedagogical technology» can be represented by three aspects: Scientific, procesual and descriptive and procedural effective.

Pedagogical technology Maximum associated with educational process: The activities of the educator and children, its construction, means, forms and methods.

She has the following structure: Conceptual basis, meaningful part educational process (goals of learning and education, content educational material, technological processcomprising the organization of the educational process, form and methods of work pedagogue, activity of preschoolers, diagnostics of the educational process.

Any pedagogical technology is a synthesis of achievements pedagogical Science and Practice. Its sources and composite elements are: pedagogical, psychological, public scienceadvanced pedagogical experience, New pedagogical thinking.

For preschool education, it is advisable to consider pedagogical technologiesas a means of developing personal qualities of a child (its activity, independence, creative possibilities, etc.)

Classification pedagogical technologies at the present stage:

Personal - oriented pedagogical technologies

Self-development technology

Technologiesinvolving the construction of an educational process on an active basis

Technologyinvolving the construction of the educational process of a personally semantic and emotionally psychological basis

Game technologies

Healthy saving technologies

Technology Project activities

Technologies research activities

Information and Communication technologies.

Personal oriented technologies: aimed at ensuring comfortable, safe, conflict the conditions for the development of the personality. The identity of the child is the goal educational system and attention center pedagogue. Her uniqueness, the desire to implement its capabilities is taken into account in a variety of situations. Example of personal-oriented technology is« Pedagogy cooperation» as a special type of incarnation of the new pedagogical thinking. IN her: transfer from pedagogy requirements for pedagogy relationships, humane and personal approach, unity of upbringing and learning. Content: a new look at the personality, the personalination of the educational process, the formation of a child of moral values (kindness, mercy, hard work, dignity, citizenship). Humanization and democratization pedagogical relations: faith in a child, tolerance for childhood disadvantages, promotion, stimulation cooperation, child's right to a mistake. Main style of communication teacher and pupils: Do not forced, but convince; Do not prohibit, but to direct, not limit, but provide freedom of choice. Individual approach today also has a new interpretation: Formation of the I-Concept of Personality, the use of psychological pedagogical identity diagnostics, personal development prediction, creation individual programs development. For forming i-concept necessary: To see in every child a unique person, respect, understand, is optimistic to believe in it; create situations of success, support; Take the reasons for childhood ignorance and misconceptions and eliminate them without damage to the dignity of the child; provide children with the opportunity to implement themselves; Develop creative abilities, individuality.

Self-development technology. Analysis of scientific research M. Montessori, K. Selko, I. S. Yakimanskaya allowed to determine the conceptual provisions of this technologies: Formation of self-governing mechanisms of personality, education of self-development. The educator should help the child to self-effectly self-effect. Didactic bases of this technologies: The training material should ensure the detection of the detention of the child's experience and should be organized so that the pupil has the ability to choose when performing tasks; Statement of knowledge pedagogue It should be aimed at converting the cash experience of each child; ensuring the possibility of self-development, self-expression; Formation of skills to evaluate the result and planning of their work.

Technologiesinvolving the construction of an educational process on an activity basis. Activity approach studied: L. S. Profitable (psychological study of activities, A. N. Leontyev (the main provisions of the generalityological theory of activity, D. B. Elkonin (revealed the concept of the leading activity of the age stages). The activity is considered as a means of formation and development of the child's subjectivity. The focus is the joint activity of children and adults to implement the selected goals and tasks. Principles of activity approach: The principle of subjectivity of education, the principle of accounting of leading activities, the principle of accounting of sensitive periods of life, the principle of determining the nearest development zone, the principle of amplification, the design principle, the principle of high motivation, the principle of moral enrichment, the principle of cooperation. Requirements to technologies Organizations and activities preschool children: Submission of the subject result to the educational in the form of qualitative identity changes. Adequate attitude towards the surrounding world. Creature conditions For positive emotions. The formation of socially valuable motives of behavior and activity. Subordination of the rules conditioned volume, place, time, etc.

Technologiesinvolving the construction of the educational process on a personality-semantic and emotionally psychological basis. Maintenance requirements:

The educator must own the methods of self-regulation (relaxation, autotraining, education of optimism, developed attention, imagination, speech; build relationships based on mutual understanding, leading type of relationship-sustainable; exercise developing pedagogical interactionmodel-based "Subject-subject links". Pedagogical interaction is implemented on the basis of principles: dialogistics, individualization, problematization, personification (inclusion of emotions and personal experience, to achieve positive openness, providing subjective freedom ( "Knowledge is not for the sake of knowledge, but for the sake of development"Overcoming anxiety, fear due to positive valuation activities (creating a success situation). The educator should be prepared for the organization and conduct of targeted work on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschoolers using emotional symbolic and relaxation methods, kintestic techniquesdiverse games: role, communicative, games and tasks related to the development of arbitrariness, imagination. Application B. pedagogical process of pedagogical methods suggestion and beliefs based on trust, feasibility, pedagogical tact, Laconism verbal influences. Conviction equid: Within the framework of the bottom need or several of the same force, with a small intensity of emotions.

Game technologies: Game pedagogical technology - organization of pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. The main goal is to create a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and skills of activities depending on conditions Functioning DOU and the level of development of children. Tasks - to achieve a high level of motivation, conscious need for the assimilation of knowledge and skills due to their own activity of the child; Pick up the means activating the activities of children and increase its effectiveness. Maintenance requirements: technological scheme - technological description process with a division into logically interconnected functional elements; Scientific base - support for a certain scientific concept of achievements of educational purposes; Systemability - logic, interconnection of parts, integrity; handling - planning, phased diagnostics, variation of funds and methods; Efficiency - achieve a certain standard of learning, performance performance, cost optimality; Reproducibility - Application in other DOU. The main component of the game technologies - direct and systematic communication teacher and children. Gaming classes are held in an emotionally favorable psychological situation, the atmosphere of benevolence, freedom, in the absence of isolation of passive children. Game technologies Help children to liberate, gain confidence in themselves, it is easier to assimilate the material of any complexity. Methodical bases game technologies: It is created using game techniques and situations acting as a means of encouraging and stimulating a child to activities; It is carried out in a certain sequence (the didactic goal is made in the form of a gaming task, educational activities are subject to the rules of the game, the educational material is used as a means, the successful implementation of the didactic task is associated with the game result); covers a certain part of the educational process, combined with a general content, plot, character; The game and exercises forming knowledge from the educational area are included. Guide to the organization of the game technologies should match requirements: Choice of the game, the offer of the game, the explanation of the game, game equipment, the organization of the game team, the development of the game situation, the end of the game. Game pedagogical technologies include various methods and techniques of the organization of the educational process in the form of a variety pedagogical games. Unlike games at all, pedagogical The game has an essential sign, a clearly set target of education, development and training, pedagogical result. The game form of classes is created using gaming techniques and situations.

Educational technology workshop, as a tool for implementing GEF.

Andreeva Natalia Vladimirovna

primary school teacher

MOBU SOSH number 16 Yakutsk

GEF makes requirements for the results of development educational program. The standard is based on a systemic and activity approach, fully implemented through active forms of learning, to which the technology of pedagogical workshops belongs.

Pedagogical workshop is open system search and choose the path of knowledge, free cooperation, generalizations and exchange of information. This technology helps to include in the work of each student: He builds his own knowledge with others, everyone manifests its creative abilities, the student thinks, creates himself, invents, is implemented. In the workshop, the teacher and the student parted with their traditional roles, and this becomes a guarantee of cooperation, mutual interest of respect. The master implements the role of not a teacher, not the leader, but the "conductor" to the opening. This technology allows you to form a Wood all groups, which is the requirement of the standard.For workshop technology, the following basic principles are characteristic:
1. Master of the teacher to the student as equal

2. Not a simple message of knowledge as indisputable truths, and independent "construction" of knowledge by a student with the help of critical thinking to the studied information
3. Solution of the decision of creative tasks
4. Pluralism of opinions, approaches, respect for the opinion of others
5. Skill work in a team
6. Criticity of thinking
7. Speech in the role of the leader
Workshop law - do in its own way, based on the abilities, interests and personal experience, correct yourself yourself.

Workshop under the following steps:

1. Induction is the definition of the theme and goal. Inductor - receiving providing guidance on the problem. The goal of the inductor is to interest every child, to regulate the desire to join the educational process. The essence of this reception is to set up a task that meets the following requirements:

Actualization of personal life experience of each student.
- Availability, "noness" tasks, relieving internal obstacles to inclusion in operation on its implementation.
- "Openness" of tasks, involving the possibility of choosing options for its execution.
- surprise, the originality of the task that causes the effect of novelty and emotional attractiveness.
- Internal connection of the task with the basic idea and superficial workshop.

Examples of inductors:

    Comment on our topic, relying on your experience ...

    Call the color, the number that matches your mood before the lesson ...

    Solve Rem ...

    Guess the riddle ...

    Does it happen so ...

    Draw your thoughts on our topic ...

The task of the master at this stage is to find different inducers to awaken the child's need for resolving the question.

Stage 2 is a self-structure, a student dialogue with himself. Here, each student answers the question, based on his own thoughts and its own point of view. The task of the master at this stage is not to interfere with the student in self-refining and not evaluate, but to fix all the thoughts expressed.

3 Stage is socioconstruction, work in pairs. Couples are formed on the basis of the similarity of opinions. At the end of the stage, the appeared ideas are voiced and fixed by the Master, again without comment.

4 Stage - Socialization. Consideration of ideas continues in groups. Groups are created at the request of children. The creative process in the group allows the child to enrich their experience due to the skills and knowledge of colleagues, compare their point of view with the opinion of others, to realize the benefits of joint creativity. The task of the master is to ensure that there is no suppression of opinions, the positions of individual students, support the atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance.

5 Stage - advertising. Presentation of different points of view. The main purpose of the stage is the formation of creative collective experience.

6 Stage - the student must realize the variety of opinions. The gap is so determined by the essence of this stage, implies the occurrence of an internal contradiction between the knowledge and new. To resolve this inconsistency, the child will have to be used by an authoritative source of information for reconciliation. Thus, there is a comprehension of the experiment obtained by empirically through theoretical positions, the establishment of causal relations. The results of the child's discoveries made in the workshop are compared with the system of scientific knowledge. At this stage, new cognitive creative problems may arise, requiring solutions in the future. Master's task - to give the student the joy of discovery;

7 Stage - Reflection. The possibility of each child is to speak out that the workshop was important and important for him. The task of the master at this stage is to cause positive emotional experiences.

The potential of the workshop, as the means of upbringing and learning, is quite large, also a variety of uses of this technology. I used the technologists and lessons technologies, and in extracurricular activities, and in your parents, in particular, as the form of the parent meeting.

The lesson of the "surrounding world" on the theme of the "Ancestors of Man"

Riddle: Who in the morning - on four, at lunch - on two, and in the evening - on three.

What would you like to know about a person?

Why do you start learning a person?

This will be our goal and to achieve it, let's travel to the past and get acquainted with the first people. But before ...

Pooh - development logic. thinking;

Loud - motivation of educational activities, based on educational and informative motive, the basis of knowledge and adoption of the value of the world



Close your eyes and imagine a primitive person. And now draw it.

Loud - the foundations of the knowledge and adoption of the value of the world;

Pooud- the choice of essential signs from what already knows when drawing;


Tell a couple with those whose first person you liked.

Compare your people with contemporaries. What did they know and what you could not do?

Kooh ability to negotiate and work on the overall result;

Pooh ability to compare and summarize

4. Socialization

The game "Atoms, molecules" breakdown into groups.

Combine your people in one family. Describe and draw as they lived.

Kuood - the ability to work in a group on a common goal;

RUID-skill to hold the goal.


Speech by group

Judgment-ability to present your work

RUID-ability to evaluate the work of the group

6. Rip

View the cartoon "There was a man".

What were we right? What did you not know?

Pooh ability to compare

Ruud-ability to rate on the standard


We answered the main question of the lesson?

Who helped group work to achieve the goal?

What did you like in our journey?

What did this journey tell you about your classmates?

Ruud- skill evaluate

Loud attentive attitude to classmates

Pooh-holistic understanding of the world, life development

The Technology "Pedagogical Workshops" makes it possible to ensure the solution of the tasks of intellectual and creative development of students, create conditions for self-reflecting and self-realization of the child in the process of individual, steam room and group work, the formation of a system of new knowledge, skills and skills through independent research and cognitive activity. In other words, the Technology "Pedagogical Workshop" develops universal training actions in children, and therefore is an instrument of implementing GEF.

Tatyana Klimovskaya
Modern educational technologies as a means of increasing the effectiveness of educational activities of the FGOS to

Quality education - This is the most important factor in the formation of a person who affects the change in the quality of his life and society as a whole. Modern high-quality education is primarily educationcontributing to the formation of a person, the development of herself, his image as a unique personality. Today it is important not so much to form knowledge, how much to develop the mechanisms of its self-development, self-regulation, self-education, thereby help the pupil become a person who knows how to live in peace and harmony with himself and surrounding, by nature and culture.

In the implementation of the federal state educational Preschool standard education Approaches to the organization educational process. On the modern stage of educational The process is a systemic, holistic, developing in time and within a certain system, a targeted process of interaction of adults and children, which is a personally-oriented character, aimed at achieving socially significant results, designed to lead to transformation Personal properties and qualities of pupils. In this regard, before preschool educational Organizations are the problem of revising the target foundations of its operation, the task of changing the content education, forms and methods of organization educational activities, Pedagogue roles.

What arrange educational way Process in the DOW in the implementation of implementation GEF T.? Of course, changing the approaches to the construction of the interaction of an adult and the child, the inclusion of innovative educational technologies, aimed at improving educational efficiency.

let's opt To the mainstream definitions:

Technology - This is a combination of techniques used in any business, skill, art (dictionary).

Pedagogical technology - This is a combination of psychological and pedagogical plants that determine the special set and layout of forms, methods, methods, educational techniques, educational tools; It is organizational and methodological tools of the pedagogical process. (B. T. Likhachev).

Let us dwell on the structure educational technology in which there are three main compound:

Conceptual part is a scientific base technologies, i.e., psychological and pedagogical ideas that are laid in its foundation.

The procedural part is a set of forms and methods of educational activities of children, methods and forms of the teacher, activities Teacher to manage the process of mastering the material, diagnostics of the learning process.

In implementing conditions GEF Up to the most relevant technologies:



Project Technology;

Research technologies;

Technologies Organizations joint activities;


Information and communications technologies and other.

Turn to technologymost popular and frequently used teachers in educational activities: game - leading view activities child preschool children, Therefore, socioigrov technologies(abbreviated SIT) A leading role is given.

What does this term mean?

socio-"Organization of classes as games between microGroups (small societies - from here and term "Socio";

game - one of the leading species activities in preschool age;

technology from other. -Grech. techno - art, skill, skill; Logos - "word", "think", "meaning", "Concept") i.e. the skill of the word, the art of the word.

By the authors and developers of this technologies They are Shuleshko Evgeny Evgenievich, Psychologist and teacher, Bukatov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, one of the main developers of the socio-grade learning style, Ershova Alexander Petrovna -Pedagog.

The basis of socioigital pedagogy is laid in words: "We do not teach, but establish the situation when their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, resulting in what happens effect Voluntary learning, training and learning. "

Socyoid technology on pre-school stage education - This is primarily the development of a child in gaming communications with peers means competent pedagogical leadership coming from the possibilities and needs of children. I suggest you to get acquainted with the relationship model in socio-game technologies: relations of all participants educational The process is based on the principles of equality and partnerships. We are all different, everyone has their own opinion, so you need to listen to the interlocutor and come to a common opinion. In collective learning we do three chag.: first step - listen and think (independent work, 2- Share with a partner (training dialogue, 3 - Share understanding (presentation of results).

Socyoid technology has its own classification:

The tasks for the working mood - allow you to significantly reduce the entry into educational activities. The main task of the games awaken interest in each other, put the participants of the game dependent on each other, providing general raising Mobilization of attention;

Playing games (discharge). The principle of universal accessibility, the element of the competition of a funny, frivolous win. The mechanism dominates active and psychologically effective rest;

Games of a socio-gaming nature (an entity for the case, during the execution of which the business relationships of the teacher with children and children with a friend are built. It can be used both in the process of assimilation and consolidation of educational material;

Games of creative self-affirmation. When they are fulfilled, the artistic and performance result of action is taken into account;

Free games (on the will). Games whose execution requires space and freedom of movement, i.e. they can not always be performed in the room (Movable games of different character).

The main characteristics of socioigrov technology can be revealed in the following rules:

Changing leadership - work in small groups involves collective activityAnd the opinion of the whole group expresses one person - the leader. And the leader children choose themselves and he must constantly change;

Motor Activity, Change Misaneszen - education, joint and independent activity Must be combined with motor activity and change of miceanssen, which contributes to the removal of emotional stress. Can communicate in various corners: in the center, behind the tables, on the floor, in the receiving, etc.);

Change of tempo and rhythm - change the tempo and rhythm helps time limit, for example with hourglass. It is necessary to understand that each task has its beginning and the end, and of course requires a certain concentration;

Integration of all species activities - in accordance with modern Requirements allows you to create a model for organizing a pedagogical process. Training takes place in the game form, for this you can use various games that develop attention, rumor, thinking, imagination, the ability to interact with each other. Integration of content provides a brighter brighter to show itself in one form or another activities, and for the teacher is an opportunity for self-realization, self-expression, creativity;

Orientation on the principle of polyphony - for 133 hare you will chase, you look and caress a dozen. The child together with the peers to extract knowledge is more interesting, and the teacher should not be taught, but to be able to listen and hear children trust them.

Their motivational freedom (voluntary);

Information initiative (Communication);

Business competence.

One of those in demand technologyused by teachers in educational activity is research technology, project activities. Project method is a pedagogical technology, whose rod is independent activity Children - research, cognitive, productive, in the course of which the child learns the world around the world and embodies new knowledge into real products. The basis of the project method is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the concept. "project"His pragmatic focus on the result, which is obtained by solving a virtually or theoretically significant problem. This result can be seen, comprehend, apply in real practical activities. The purpose of research activities in children's garden - To form at preschoolers the main key competencies, the ability to research the type of thinking. This technology Applicable since the younger preschool age, when in the process of simple experiments, experiments, children learn to establish the simplest ties and patterns, and at an older age are able to design their activity In different directions.

I would like to dwell on the inclusion in activities with children technology Intellect Cards Tony Busena. This is convenient I. effective technique Visualization of thinking and alternative recording.

These are the thoughts outlined on paper with a graphic way. It is this technique - frame Thoughts in graphic images And it is a mechanism that goes into operation the right hemisphere of the brain!

This is not a very traditional, but very natural way to organize thinking having several indisputable advantages Before the usual ways of recording.

Intellect kart:

Joint planning of the objective of the study of the topic using technologies"Intellect-cards";

Study of a new material;

Repetition of the previously studied material;

Representation of project results activities.

Intellect properties - kart:

Visuality (the whole problem with its numerous parties can be wrapped in one glance.)

Attractiveness (good intelligent map of its aesthetics, it is not only interesting to consider it, but also nice.)

Memorism (thanks to the work of both brain hemispheres, use images And the color of the intellect card is easily remembered.)

Timeliness (the intellect card helps to identify the lack of information and understand which information is missing.)

Creativity (Intellect-card stimulates creativity, helps to find non-standard solutions to the problem.)

In the age of informational technology It is impossible to do without inclusion in activity with children of information and communication technology.

ICT allow you to show information on the screen in a game form, which causes great interest in children, as it meets the main form doscecoleberry activities - game. In an affordable form, brightly, figurative, present the material to preschoolers, which corresponds to visual figurative Thinking children of preschool age. Attract the attention of children by movement, sound, animation, but not overload the material by them. Promote the development of research abilities from preschoolers, cognitive activity, skills and talents.

Technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies They guarantee the achievements of the preschooler and further contribute to their successful education at school. Each teacher - Creator technologies. For a teacher who learned to work on technological levelwill always be the main landmark cognitive process in its developing condition. Charles Dickens said "A person can not truly improve, if it does not help to improve others."

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards of pre-school education. GEF from 1.01.14g. Entered into force and approved the requirements for the structure of the program, the conditions for the implementation of the program and the results of the development. In modern conditions, the child acts as not an "object", but in the role of the "subject" of education, a child - self-concrete personality.



Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in the implementation of GEF

Today, teacher is not enough knowledge of already existing technologies, it is also necessary to apply the ability to apply them in practical activities. Therefore, the main task of teachers of the preschool institution is to choose methods and forms of working with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that are optimally consistent with the purpose of the identity development.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing state standards of pre-school education.GEF from 1.01.14g. Entered into force and approved the requirements for the structure of the program, the conditions for the implementation of the program and the results of the development. In modern conditions, the child acts as not an "object", but in the role of the "subject" of education, a child - self-concrete personality.

The innovative process at the current stage of the development of the Company concerns primarily the pre-school education system, which is considered the initial step in the disclosure of the potential possibilities of the child. This approach sets high demands on the system of pre-school training and education. There is a search for more efficient technologies in preschool education.

Technology - This is a tool of professional activity of the teacher.

Pedagogical technology - This is a description of the process of achieving planned learning outcomes. (I. P. Volkov)

The essence of the pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced stage (step-chance), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher even in the design process to anticipate the intermediate and final results of their own professional-pedagogical activities.

To the number of modern educational technologies that I use in working with children of preschool age, you can allocate:

1. Information learning technologies - ICT (information and communicative technologies).

ICT in the work of the teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for nodes and for design stands, groups, cabinets (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional cognitive material for nodes, familiarity with scenarios of holidays and other events.

3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodic, developing other teachers of Russia and abroad.

4. Registration of group documentation, reports. The computer will allow not to write reports and analyzes every time, but it is enough to dial once the scheme and in the future only to make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in the ROWER POINT program to improve the efficiency of educational activities with children and pedagogical competence in parents in the process of holding parental meetings.

ICT in the educational process.

The computer becomes in kindergarten is considered not as a separate training game device, but as a universal information system capable of integrating with different directions of the educational process, enrich and change the developing environment of kindergarten.

The educational process uses programs:

Development of imagination, thinking, memory

Speaking Dictionaries of Foreign Languages

Simplest graphic editors

Travel games

Learning to read, mathematics

Use multimedia presentations

The use of computer technology allows you to make an occupation attractive and truly modern, solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visibility.

As part of the implementation of the program for the development of children using interactive technologies We set ourselvestarget:

  • Improving the effectiveness of the educational level of preschool children by the method of acquiring the skills of using information technologies; Creating a stimulating learning environment that promotes the social and cognitive development of children. Tasks: ·
  • To acquaint children with an interactive board. ·
  • Promoting the comprehensive development of children: mental, creative, development of children's research abilities, collaboration skills. ·
  • Develop the mental skills of children using an interactive whiteboard in classes. ·
  • Increase the plank for preparing children to school and eliminate the "digital inequality"

2. Problem technology Ensures the creation of problem situations and active independent activities of children in their resolution, as a result, creative mastering knowledge, skills, skills and development of mental abilities occurs.

The advantages of problem learning:

  • High independence of children;
  • Formation of cognitive interest or personal motivation of the child;
  • Development of the mental abilities of children.

In an effort to support children interest in the new topic, we create a new problem situation. Creating problematic situations, we encourage children to put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions, we teach not to be afraid to make mistakes. It is very important that the child felt the taste for obtaining new, unexpected information about the surrounding items and phenomena.

3. Project Learning Technology - These are targeted activities with a specific purpose, according to a certain plan for solving search, research, practical problems in any direction of the content of education. The main objective of the project method in the preschool institution is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the tasks of development and tasks of research activities of children.

4. Gaming Technology - Method for organizing children's activities in the subject of learning subject. The appointment of gaming educational technology is not the development of gaming activities, but the organization of the assimilation by children of substantive content (mathematical, naturally environmental, etc.)

Thus, the technology of playing learning relies on the principle of the activity of the child, is characterized by a high level of motivation and is determined by the natural need of a preschooler. The role of the teacher is to create and organize a subject - spatial environment. Game technology in learning is designed to combine elements of the game and teaching.

5. Personal - Oriented Technologies- put the personality of the child in the center of the entire educational system, which seeks to maximize their capabilities; Ensuring comfortable, conflict and safe conditions of its development, the realization of its natural potential. The identity of the child in this technology is not only a subject, but the subject is priority.

The purpose of the technology of personal-oriented learning is the maximum development (and not the formation of pre-specified) individual cognitive abilities of the child based on the use of his life experience.

Under personal-oriented learning is understood as such a type of educational process, in which the identity of the student and the personality of the teacher act as its subjects.

6. Health-saving educational technologies. This is primarily the technology of education of valeological culture or culture of health of preschoolers.

The purpose of these technologies is the formation of a conscious child's relationship towards the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about the health and development of the ability to protect, maintain and maintain it, acquiring valeological competence, allowing the preschooler independently and effectively solve the tasks of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, the tasks associated with provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

In my work, I use the following forms of organization:

  • physical classes
  • independent activities of children
  • outdoor games
  • morning gymnastics (traditional, respiratory, articulation)
  • motor-wellness physkultminuts
  • exercise after day sleep
  • physical leisure and entertainment
  • sports holidays

7. Technology TRIZ - the theory of solutions of inventive tasks.

The purpose of TRIZ is not easy to develop the fantasy of children, but to teach to think systemically, with the understanding of the processes taking place, i.e. the degree is the development on one side of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systemity, dialectivity, and on the other side of the search activity, aspiration To the novelty, the development of speech and creative imagination.

TRIZ makes it possible to show his individuality, teaches children to think without standard; Develops such moral qualities as the ability to enjoy the success of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of the difficult situation.

In conclusion, I would like to say that children are developing in the best possible way when they are really passionate about the process.

In the conditions of deployment with the system russian education The principles of a systemic approach that promotes the raising of competent, responsible and socially adapted graduates has the need for widespread use. educational technologies according to GEFthe new generation for which is characteristic:

  • ensuring the transition from the subject-subject interaction of the teacher with students to the subject-subject;
  • design situations search, opening and analyzing knowledge;
  • consistent transmission of educational initiatives from the teacher to children;
  • a conscious refusal to form a wide conceptual base in favor of meta-delta competencies;
  • accounting for individual development indicators and work on an activity result.

Modern educational technologies in school according to GEF

The question of determining the concepts of educational technology in connection with the improvement of the methodology of the Russian education system undergoes some changes. It is most advisable to characterize modern educational technologies in school according to GEF As a set of techniques, methods and methods of pedagogical impact, contributing to the achievement of significant tasks of the educational plan, which should be implemented according to the developed system, taking into account the original educational conditions, the components of individualization, the reaction of the student community, and at the same time guarantee the achievement of the key goal of impact.

Learn more about educational technologies at lecture

For the passage - certificate of advanced training. Educational materials are presented in the format of visual abstracts with video tracking experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

The priority task of teachers is to reformat the traditional order of school learning, aimed solely on the formation of a conceptual base and the expansion of children's knowledge of the world around the world, in the progressive process of the development of the personality of schoolchildren, which can be carried out through the use of a wide range of modern educational technologies that contribute to the achievement of a number of priority pedagogical problems:

  1. Increasing the efficiency of using the study time by reducing the share of the reproductive activities of students in favor of active reasoning, data analysis, discussion of problem situations.
  2. Ensuring individualization, variation and training.
  3. Ascending academic mobility of schoolchildren.
  4. Activation of cognitive activity, motivation of children by systematic designing situations of success and conducting continuous learning search.

Types of educational technologies according to GEF

Types of technology

Characteristic features and procedure for implementing

Information and Communicative (ICT)

The need to transform the educational process in accordance with the requirements of time and public expectations led to a large-scale process of informatization of education by introducing ICT, which caused:

  • ensuring the free access of students to information sources (the content of which does not contradict legal and public standards);
  • formation of information support for the educational environment;
  • implementation modern Systems management process of school learning (maintenance electronic journals, maintaining feedback with parents of schoolchildren);
  • qualitative change in the structure of lessons, guaranteeing the increase in the effectiveness of knowledge of knowledge;
  • deep individualization and differentiation of training (including thanks to the development of individual curricula).

Wide use of ICT funds allowed to ease professional activities Teachers: Preparation for classes, manufacture of visual and didactic material; It ensured the ability to visually demonstrate individual processes or simulate learning situations with the effect of "full dive" (due to the integrated use of the visual component and sound).

Technology for forming critical thinking

Formation of critical thinking skills - a set of ways of perception based on data analysis in order to determine their authenticity - is very important in the conditions of natural dissemination of information. The essence of this technology is based on the design of educational conditions in which children have to work with various sources of information, creatively rethinking read and critical evaluation.

The technology of development of critical thinking, implemented with the purpose of forming the learners of the ability to think qualitatively and unbiased, is carried out within three stages:

  1. The challenge of the call, during which the actualization of knowledge and motivation to perform the information search is performed.
  2. Stage of understanding. It provides direct work with text (collectively, in groups or individually), followed by the establishment of links and search for inconsistencies.
  3. The stage of reflection, during which the new content and meta-delimited skills occurs.

The technology of critical thinking is based on the use of the following pedagogical methods and techniques: brainstorming, collecting "basket of ideas", compiling essays, intelligent workouts, implementing role-playing projects, meaningful group reading with stops, constructing causal relationships and logical chains.


Founded on the idea of \u200b\u200braising the level of interest of schoolchildren in training through the creation of projects - solutions to problem situations taken from real life. During the project activities, children not only learn to independently receive new knowledge, but also soberly assesses the volume of material that remains to be learned in the future.

Thanks to the guide role of the teacher, the project implementation is carried out by students during the five important stages of educational activity:

  1. Actualization of the previously studied, stating the need for execution academic work (Project), preparation of didactic and auxiliary materials.
  2. Determination of a priority goal and tasks.
  3. Drawing up an algorithm of actions.
  4. Performing point tasks according to plan.
  5. Presentation of results, project protection, reflection.

Project technology is most fully reflected in the preparation of exhibitions, competitive works, research. It contributes to the development of students in their own power, stimulates creative thinking, consolidating communicative skills.

Technology of problematic learning

The methodology of developing learning, based on the allocation of three areas of knowledge of students (previously studied, unknown and transit - problem zone), was developed by Russian educators in the 50s of the last century, but it became widely used to be widely applied. Today, this technology is implemented through the design of the teacher during the urgent activity of problem situations requiring children's manifestation of initiative, conducting creative search, well-coordinated interaction and teamwork. The development of the problem situation includes three stages:

  1. Nomination of assumptions, formulating hypothesis.
  2. Discussion of ways out of the difficult learning situation, the ways to verify the truth.
  3. Conduct experiments, discussion, analysis, reflection and summing up.

The difficulties of the implementation of problem learning technologies include the need to design learning challenges, fully relevant to the intellectual level and academic achievements of schoolchildren, which is especially difficult to guarantee the need to organize collective work, compliance with the time framework. Therefore, this pedagogical tactic is most often used in designing independent search activities or broken down by groups.


The healthy-saving technology rather refers to organizational models: it is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the conditions of the educational process that contribute to the preservation and promotion of student health. Providing positive dynamics is ensured by:

  • strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic standards and safety regulations in training facilities;
  • competent design of lessons (direct training activities should occupy no more than 80-85% of the time, but not less than 60%), incl. taking into account the well-being and level of schoolchildren;
  • monitoring general training indicators;
  • frequent change of activities;
  • systematic creation of success situations, conducting reflection for a progressive reduction in stress;
  • creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;
  • regular conducting physical attachment.

Thanks to the introduction of a health-saving complex in the educational process, it is possible to reduce the level of overworking students, thereby increasing the indices and concentration of attention, contribute to the upbringing of a healthy generation.

The rationality of the use of game technologies is largely due to age and individual factor, therefore this type of pedagogical impact is mainly implemented in primary school. At the same time, it was proved that the educational material studied during cognitive-entertainment actions was remembered much better than in standard educational situations, which confirms the need to involve students regardless of age into various types of games:

  • intellectual, communicative, psychological;
  • subject (chemical, physical, linguistic) and general arraying;
  • training, creative, developing;
  • scene, business, imitation.


Modular learning technology is based on separation (at the discretion of the teacher) of the subject matter on blocks (modules), the distinctive feature of which is:

  1. Formulated training goal.
  2. A mini-program covering educational material is relevant for this semantic block.
  3. Guide to achieve learning purposes.
  4. Practical tasks of different levels of complexity.
  5. Examination, strictly relevant to the declared educational goal.

Modular technology provides for a phased accumulation of knowledge with the implementation of the rating assessment system, which allows students to receive and accumulate points for each type of activity. A distinctive feature of the pedagogical method is the progressive formation of the skills of organizing independent academic work, sober assessment of students' level of knowledge and awareness of the possibility of correcting the points obtained by deeper immersion in the theme and self-correction.

The use of a modular formation scheme is suitable in classes where significant differentiation of children's academic achievements is observed to ensure equivalent conditions for further development.

Workshop technology

Based on the idea of \u200b\u200btransmitting ways of activity, not a conceptual base. For all subject areas, similar forms of conducting organizational pedagogical work are selected, contributing to the consistent assimilation of schoolchildren an activity algorithm in various training situations. Training is conducted from simple to complex, students are given the maximum freedom of manifestation of activity, and from the teacher is required high level Professional skills due to the complexity of the task.

Principles of organization of training workshops:

  1. Categorical rejection of the practice of coercion.
  2. Creating conditions under which children can explore the necessary competencies with different ways, depending on their own abilities.
  3. The main value is the action, process, not knowledge.
  4. Errors are recognized as an integral part of the mastering system by competencies.
  5. Creative activity is considered the main indicator of personality development, as a result - it is not evaluated.
  6. Within the framework of the workshops, the atmosphere of co-creation, mutual respect, joint search.

Case technology

The methodology is based on the principle of allocation within the framework of the training course of individual practical situations of a problematic nature (case), during the discussion of which the teacher with students can ensure the formation of point and universal competencies, the uniform distribution of the conceptual and practical knowledge module.

The implementation of case technology is carried out within the framework of the following steps:

  1. Independent work of students aimed at formulating a problem, finding possible ways to overcome it.
  2. The interaction of children in small groups (search for overcoming learning difficulties).
  3. Examination results.

Case technology is based on the principle of training, therefore its use is still local.

Technology integrated learning

The requirements of new educational standards, which determine the need for the formation of future graduates of meta-credit competencies, the technologists of integrated learning is most fully responsible, providing for the associations of different conceptual systems within the borders of one classes. For the pedagogical technique, the following principles are characterized:

  1. Integration of academic disciplines in an arbitrary ratio, taking into account the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  2. Active use of ICT.
  3. Sequential correction of results achieved.
  4. The correlation of the material studied with modern realities, finding the possibilities of applying knowledge in practice.
  5. Conduct reflection.

Pedagogy cooperation

Refers to the number of personally oriented pedagogical technologies, providing for the creation of activities in the lesson, characterized by maximum comfort for students and teachers. Methodology of pedagogy cooperation is based on:

  1. Complete refusal of requirements in favor of a humane and personal approach and individualization of training.
  2. The ideas of the formation of "supports" - verbal, sound or figurative characters indicating the need to activate memory, logical thinking, attention.
  3. The principle of free choice, which causes the possibility of schoolchildren to develop natural dating.
  4. Systematic self-analysis of achievements and search for self-correction paths.
  5. Wide introduction of an individual approach.

Technology Level Differentiation

The pedagogical model based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating various learning conditions developed taking into account the characteristics of the student contingent, in recent years, has been widely disseminated in the Russian training system. Differentiation of training units can be carried out by age, sexual basis, health, areas of interest, intellectual abilities and other indicators that determine how to increase the efficiency of academic work.

It is important to note that the development of individual educational routes followed by self-correction work is an integral part of this system.

A characteristic feature of current pedagogical realities is the need to use modern educational technologies in the conditions of GEFAlong with traditional principles of work embodied in a class-paper system. So far, for most schools, a situation of lack of organizational and methodological resources that contribute to the introduction of innovative training models is characterized. Due to the fact that the teacher is obliged to pay a sufficient amount of time to all students, as well as to fulfill other job responsibilities, it is not necessary to talk about widespread use of advanced ideas. However, this does not stop teachers on the path of professional search and contributes to the consistent testing of various organizational systems, which positively affects the overall effectiveness of the educational process and increase the level of competences of graduates of Russian schools.

Educational technologies in elementary school according to GEF

The process of forming meta-delta knowledge and universal competencies is long, which causes the need to use a wide range educational technologies in elementary school To achieve goals GEF. In view of psychophysiological age-related features junior schoolchildren and features of the Primary School Teacher's software content are limited in choosing the methods of pedagogical impact, which should be directed to:

  1. Determination of key principles of academic work (emphasis on independence), creating an atmosphere of creative search and the establishment of benevolent relations.
  2. Formation of basic skills of working with various sources of information, as well as material processing (classification, storage).
  3. The development of information and communicative means, which in the conditions of the new time are a basic tool for obtaining information (familiarity of children with presentations, video sequence, dynamic tables).

In elementary school, when training is only becoming a priority activity against the background of the need to adapt to the realities of the educational process, many children experience difficulties with the development of a programmatic minimum due to psychological depression, self-carefulness, fear of collective attention. Educational gaming technologies, the methodology of which is presented in the works of A. Pleshakova, O. Stepanova, A. Finogenova, make it possible to change the educational situation in the root, make the process of urgent activities interesting and entertaining for most younger students, increase the performance and dynamics of fastening meta-credit competencies.

Modern educational technologies for GEFproviding for the inclusion of the game element, are characterized by:

  1. The presence of an educational and cognitive goal and an indicative pedagogical result - elements that determine the procedure for the actions of schoolchildren and the teacher.
  2. A consistent transition from simple to complex: At the beginning of the educational game, children perform the simplest tasks, which guarantees a high level of involvement and creation of success situations. The consistent complication of tasks allows you to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of schoolchildren of your abilities, which guarantees a qualitative learning assimilation.

The effectiveness of the use of gaming educational technologies depends on two factors - the success of the integration of educational and entertainment modules in general process learning based on the implementation of standard didactic exercises, and systematic use of the game when learning. In the light of this junior school teacher, on a par with the planning of basic-grade work, it is important to plan an educational and gameplay that promotes the increase in the interest of children, stimulating their cognitive activity and mental activity during classes.

Molds, methods and techniques for organizing game clusters The teacher has the right to determine independently, based on the overall performance of direct educational activities. In relevant methodological allowances, the classification of pedagogical games for such parameters is provided:

  1. In content (intellectual, physical, labor, communicative, psychological).
  2. According to the type of pedagogical process (training, creative, trainings, controlling, generalizing-actualizing).
  3. According to the technology used (scene, role, imitation, business, subject).
  4. On the subject area (language, mathematical, environmental, musical, sports).
  5. According to the features of the gaming environment (subject, desktop, computer, cyclic).

Examples from modern pedagogical practice confirm that the skillful inclusion in the class-urban system of gaming educational technologies contributes to differentiation and individualization of training, overcoming stiffness of schoolchildren, and also allows for intermediate controls in a form of unnecessary form. In the course didactic games Children learn to allocate, classify and summarize training material, not be afraid of expressing assumptions based on life experiences and previously learned knowledge, argued to defend their point of view.

It is worth noting that on a par with gaming in elementary school, it is advisable to apply the technologies of developing, problem, personal-oriented learning, the healthy principles of the organization of the educational process, the project method. The main thing for the teacher is to use organizational complexes, fully relevant to the age and individual educational needs of children in order to avoid the use of "innovations for innovation."

Educational technologies in Mathematics lessons in GEF

The target nature of the system-activity approach, the reflection of which is the principles of the standard, determines the need for a careful selection of pedagogical techniques, taking into account the subject matter, the ability of a student contingent, the features of actual urgency. Educational technologiesapplied in lessons mathematics in accordance with GEFIt should be selected in such a way as to ensure not only the rapid mastering of schoolchildren with a new software content, but also to promote the development of meta-credit competencies, first of all, the ability to allocate priority tasks, analyze difficulties and implement various ways to overcome them.

In the context of mathematical education, the most significant is the information and communicative technology, the use of which is advisable at various stages of the urgent classes:

  1. In the course of identifying educational problems, the actualization of the previously studied material.
  2. In order to independently mastering a programmatic minimum, not supported by the intervention of the teacher.
  3. In the course of the need for fragmentary use of reference data.
  4. To create graphs, diagrams, presentations and other examples of data visualization using a computer.
  5. When using information and reference programs to clarify individual indicators.

The use of ICT tools in mathematics lessons when explaining the new topic, consolidating educational material, knowledge control makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the learning process, contribute to the optimization of training processes, the development of logical and strategic thinking.

The development of mathematical disciplines in the conditions of the new time cannot be complete without the use of educational critical thinking technology, the use of which allows you to ensure a successful transition of students from solving standard tasks to perform creative tasks, approve the principle of testing the objectivity of the data and the widespread implementation of the scientific approach.

The formation of critical thinking in the lessons of mathematics is carried out through:

  1. Maintaining group work with the subsequent collective discussion of the results (role-playing games, discussions, conferences).
  2. Simulation of educational material, promoting its rapid and deep absorption.
  3. Reception "I know - I want to know - I learned," based on the transition from the formulated educational problem to find the target material and its consolidation during the training.
  4. Reception of clustering, helping to systematize the learned material during the formulation of a learning problem or reflection.

Technology of problem learning in mathematics lessons is implemented during the period to identify the inconsistency of the existing curriculum competencies of schoolchildren, the list of skills necessary to solve the relevant problem, incl. During the performance of independent home or creative tasks. Thus, the search for a specific formula or pattern, which allows for a successful solution of the mathematical problem, contributes to the activation of student's urgent activities, allows you to form a resistant motivation with the subsequent design of success situations, because during the search for solutions to the problematic task, all opinions and arguments are taken into account, which guarantees A high level of involvement in the process of all interested children.

In the context of GEF educational technologiesBased on the use of various game scenarios, also remain priority, even when conducting serious search and research with senior schoolchildren. Examples of successful mathematical games contributing to the consolidation of educational material or carrying out free control of knowledge are the following:

  1. Mathematical Breun-Ring (quiz, providing for a class division by command).
  2. "Competition of artists" (image of the circuit by connecting the specified points on the coordinate system for speed).
  3. "Her Majesty Logic" (solve logical mysteries, solving complex tasks).

Also in mathematics lessons, like any other classes, it is advisable to exercise the implementation of health-saving technologies (conducting physical attacks, gymnastics for eyes, reflexive exercises).

Integration of modern educational technologies in the conditions of GEF

In the pedagogical conditions of the new time, when the effective increase in the effectiveness of the educational process is underway, modern educational technologies for GEF It is advisable to consider in the context of a unified system. In fact, the system is and itself educational institution, and the paradigm of the interaction of teachers and students, so updating pedagogical techniques requires their mandatory integration - the process of changing various system indicators that determine the formation of integrity.

Ensuring integration processes when incorporate in the pedagogical arsenal of new training technologies and education allows you to create optimal conditions For the development of students, to ensure the satisfaction of a wide range of cognitive interests, and also guarantee:

  • the complex nature of the learning material assimilation, the formation of meta-delta competencies, which, in connection with the introduction of GEF, is recognized as the highest indicator of the effectiveness of the educational system;
  • the relationship of the methods and methods of education used during the implementation of the main and additional educational work, which positively affects the indicators of the digestibility of substantive content;
  • systematic consolidation of knowledge and skills obtained within one subject system, on adjacent lessons or during extracurricular activity;
  • flexibility of the nature of the educational process based on increasing the importance of informal communication between subject teachers and children;
  • the possibility of introducing new integrative courses to curriculum programs, the creation of initiative interest associations;
  • improving the efficiency of interaction of all participants in the educational process.

Modern pedagogical educational technologies according to GEF It is advisable to divide into three groups, each of which combines the methods and techniques similar to the target orientations or the characteristics of the organization, namely:

  1. Technologies of explanatory-illustrated learning - a group of means of comprehensive visualization of material, the use of which allows to ensure a high level of data assimilation due to their classification. To technology this type Refers ICT (presentations, didactic videos, educational videos, reference Internet resources), case-technology.
  2. Technology of personal-oriented learning - methods of pedagogical impact, based on the disclosure of software material through the prism of personal experience, enhance the value of the content under the topic in the perception of students. Personal-oriented training is implemented in the application of game technologies, the methods of projects, problem learning, studying material in close group cooperation.
  3. Educational training technologies are a complex of educational techniques that contribute to the widespread scope of training problems with subsequent reflection (critical thinking technology and project activities, a mental card technique).

During the design of the educational process, teachers are important to take into account not only the content of the chosen organizational and pedagogical methods, but also their place in the technology system to avoid semantic or actual tautology, thereby ensuring the increase in learning efficiency, expand the possibilities of the lesson as the main structural unit of the educational process. .

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