Color compatibility. Effect of eye color on character. How to determine the compatibility of the eye pair

In the color of the eye, it is possible to determine not only the nature and quality of the personality of a person, but and the love combine. Find out what partner fits you most about the color of the eyes.

Karglase - Karglase

Such partners are both leaders. Egoism of both often leads to quarrels and divorces. They are constantly fighting for leadership in a pair. Marriage will be possible only if each of the partners will give way to each other and go to mutual acts. The union of two carrage glasses is good if both have any single goal and together it is achieved.

Karglase - green-eyed

This union is successful. The case when opposites are attracted. Karglase pushes green-eyed to activity and actions, and green-eyed protects the carragesea from rash solutions and dangers. Green-eyed people are usually patient and reasonable, and in relations with them very easy. They take on all the goods of everyday problems and calmly solve all the problems in the family. For capricious carrage, marriage with them is good.

Green-eyed - green-eyed

This union has excellent compatibility in love and marriage, but for these relations is very dangerous jealousy. People in such a pair perfectly understand each other. They are frank and able to share everything that is happening in the shower. Both green partners will sometimes quarrel on trifles. After all, they are almost the same characters. However, if you take each other such as it is, your relationship does not threaten anything.

Green-eyed / serurozny or blue-eyed

This union has excellent compatibility in love and marriage. A man with gray or blue eyes, usually, from nature is very cruel and "strong". He always takes the position of the leader. He often has stresses, during which he becomes "weak" and is looking for support. The marriage will be beautiful if the green-eyed partner will provide support to his friend, while maintaining the shadow of mystery and interest in himself.

Seruogrozzy or Blue-eyed / Seruogrozzy or Blue-eyed

In such a pair there are no romance, sensual recognition and affectionate words. It is based on benefit and utility. And even on mutual respect. Acquaintance and relationships are very fascinated by such partners, but over time, it becomes boring and uninteresting together. Such a marriage often disintegrates, and the divorce is accompanied by even a mass of claims. Save such relationships helps the mutual manifestation of the initiative and the general desire to be together.

Serious or blue-eyed / carbonous

Marriage between such pairs is possible, but delivers many troubles and trouble to both sides. This is the union of two very different people who have very little in common. They are united by only mutual curiosity to each other. The characteristics of these partners lead to frequent quarrels and partings. In all respects, remember one thing - be patient and restrained to your partner, take it as it is. Then you will avail extra and unnecessary quarrels, and strengthen your marriage.

You may say "nonsense!", But I was very interested to read the interpretation of the color of the eyes, so join, it is interesting to know the coincide or no value;) Compatibility of the color of the partners


1. Karglase - carbonous (fire-fire)

You can easily understand each other, but sometimes it is difficult to get along. You often drag the blanket every one. Constantly envy the successes of the other. Often wept mutual intrigue. But at the same time know firmly: if the trouble happens to one of you, then the other will come to the rescue. And this help will be disinterested and comprehensive. Your relationship will be long and fruitful if you have a common enemy (the boss, competing firm, harmful neighbor, etc.), in the fight against which efforts need to be combined. If there is no decent enemy, your relationship will be friendly, dying small goats against each other. And God forbid you become enemies. In this case, you dare both, the winner will not be in this war.

2. Carbonous - green-eyed (fire - water)

Initially, you should have been opponents: fire and water are enemies. But if you have become friends, your union has a great future. It is useful to you both. The fire boils water, it means that the carrageless is able to push the green to action, creativity, wrestling. Water quenches the fire, i.e. Green-eyed can protect the kasyok from rash and rash actions. Therefore listen to mutual advice. Since the leader in your relationship is water, the fire should not forget about it for a minute. If at least once the carbonous challenge that in your union he is the main, tandem will decay. At the same time, the water will survive the conflict almost painlessly, and the fire will suffer and suffer.

3. Carbonous - blue-eyed (fire - air)

About your relationship can be said: "Pyzny - boring, and together - closely." You are interested in each other. Not comfortable, but it is interesting. Because your communication is permanent disputes, prosperity, dive, sharing by baggas. Such relationships excite both both of you. And it starts to tear and provoke, as a rule, carbonous. After all, the fire in your union is the leader. However, blue-eyed and does not claim leadership. If he will be bad in communicating with Karglazym, he will just leave someone to someone. Treasure do not cause moral experiences from the air. Therefore, the Union will be long, provided that the carbonic in constant controversy will still spare blue-eyed and not cross the dangerous trait.

4. Karglase - Seruogrozzy (Fire - Earth)

Most likely, you follow the relationship in relationships. You will never open each other in secret secrets and do not get close friends. But you are strong in that you can provide each other mutual service. You are mutually useful in your work. Fire, starting a business or solving the problem, can rely on force, wisdom, land confidence. And the land in communication with fire can borrow its courage and dynamism. Therefore, your advice each other is extremely effective. So strive to get closer, mutual respect is what your union can save for many years. After all, your relationship is equal relationships, there is no leader in your tandem and there should be no leader.

5. Green-eyed - green-eyed (water-water)

Your relationship is the relationship of mutual support. You appear to each other in relation to a friend like psychotherapists. If one of you is bad, he can always cry into a vest to another. When you are together, there are no forbidden to talk for you for conversations, you can be sincere and frank to the end. Because always meet understanding without condemnation. But you have harmful to stay together for too long. This can lead to the sweating of the senses: water when it costs without movement becomes a plunge. Another relationship can destroy jealousy. If you are seriously starting jealous of each other to someone else, it may end up with war in which there will be no restrictions on the use of prohibited weapons. The slander will go to the move, and the flag, and physical violence. Be above jealousy, do not try to avenge each other, and then your friendship will be infinite.

6. Green-eyed - blue-eyed (water - air)

Your relationship is now not friendship. And never will never. You are too different to be friends. Your relationship is the relationship of mutual activation. The air, becoming the wind, can cross the water, interfere with it, cause excitement, storm. This means that blue-eyed is able to inspire green for decisive actions, in search of new ways to solve problems, to move towards new horizons. And the water will achieve a lot in life, if it responds to the wind appeal. But the wind acquires a lot in this communication: credibility, weight in society, the growth of self-esteem. However, your cooperation should not be permanent, because the waves are quenched by the wind. Therefore, to keep your union in which there is no leader, meet rarely, but with maximum mutual benefit.

7. Green-eyed - Seruoglasie (Water - Earth)

Your union is solely fruitful. But under one condition: if the leader in it is serulygic. He should not allow water to leave the banks. If the water accepts the leading and director of the land, it will achieve a lot in life, in a career, in creativity, in love. After all, seruginous is ready to provide green-eyed any support: both by the Council, and the money, and physical strength. In return, the water can provide earthly comfort, becoming a comforter and, if necessary, lycakera. If the water turns out to be plusing, will be indignant to the rule of the earth will arrange a flood, it will be bad for both. Green-eyed, having freedom, he will not be able to dispose and break into petty problems. And the seruginous will lose mental calm and drags his soul. Remember this and keep your relationship.

8. Blue-eyed - blue-eyed (air - air)

You are very easy with each other, as can only be easily air. When you exchange reciprocal visits, you bring a cheerful and carefree atmosphere of the holiday to a friend's house. You easily cure each other from sorrow, longing, grief. But you can unite not only joint leisure. Your relationship will become closer if the general elevated target or love appears. Or if you are united by an adventure adventure. But the joint, painstaking work is unlikely to give you pleasure. If one day you decide to part, then you will do it painlessly, you will not be offended and revenge. Stay just with cute buddies. Therefore, in any case, the future of your relationship is optimistic.

9. Blue-eyed - Seruogrozzy (Air - Earth)

you are very different people. You have very little in common. But if you are together, then, most likely, your union holds curiosity. Moreover, curiosity is mainly from the side of serugin. After all, the earth is difficult to understand and accept air playfulness. But at the same time, she is very enviable, and she would like to be at least sometimes of the same carefree, passionate, romantic. In your relations, serious, internally condemning, admires blue-eyed. And the blue-eyed allows you to do it. After all, in this pair, he is the leader. Therefore, your relationship depends on how long the air will be pleased with the attention of the Earth. And even on whether the earth is enough wisdom not to teach and not criticize the air. If the seruginous tries to become a leader and starts to impose his eyes on the world, the latter will just go out, not suffer from the cessation of relationships.

10. Seruogrozzy - Seruoglasie (Earth - Earth)

Your relationship is the union of two oxen harvested in one plow. They have no romance and grace. They are only utility and profitability. And also - a huge mutual respect. Together you are able to minimize the mountains. But the danger lies you. To plow the field, the wheels should pull a plow with equal power. If one of you begins to be lazy, lean from my duties, conflict is inevitable. True, even if the conflict, it will not lead to an immediate breaking of relations. Parting will be long and painful. And forgotten, you both will constantly regret what happened. Therefore, do not bring each other and do not shift your problems on the shoulders of the comrade. And then your friendship will be almost eternal.

Medicine / Physiology: human eye color: value and change of eye color, eyes of different colors

The ability to recognize people: their character, temper and even health condition includes many directions, both psychological and physiological. A lot of people can tell you a lot of speech manner, gestures, gait, face features, preferred colors in clothes. However, the most informative source of information about a person is his eyes - the soul mirror.

Eye color and character character

All ancient treatises about physiognomy are advised to start learning a person from the eye. And it is not by chance. After all, most of the information, thanks to which a person develops, is perceived by the eyes. Ancient, for example, advised to protect their eyes from evil influence: a view of an unfavorable man. Modern psychics recommend sensitive and wounded people to wear dark glasses to protect against negative energy. Astrologers are convinced that the whole color palette of the planets of the birthday planets are reflected in the eyes, which, in turn, testify to those illustrants and human inclinations. The value of the eye in the study of the character is confirmed by modern scientific research: each person has an unique eye on its colors.

Owners of black eyes - Energetically strong people, they have great viability, initiative and turbulent character. Black eyes testify to the passion of man and his loving. There are almost no obstacles to such people to the adorable object to stop. Although their obsession can carry them not only the joy of victories, but also bitterness of hasty decisions.

Those who have brown eyesThe nature is endowed with attractiveness, sensuality, wit. These are very temperamental people. We can say about them that they are extremely quick-tempered, but they easily forget the insults. The disadvantage of people with brown eyes can be considered non-discovered whims. Astrologers say that people with dark brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus with Saturn's impurity) are extremely sociable and easily converge with people. People with such eyes are very in love, however, how quickly they light up, as quickly and cool sometimes.

Holders of light brown eyes Shy, tend to solitude, dreamy. They can be considered pragmatists, but maybe it makes them such hardworking, diligent. You can always rely on them - they will not let down. The characteristic of the nature of people with light brown eyes can be considered their individualism, the desire to do everything independently, they usually achieve great success. These people do not tolerate pressure from the side. Astrologers add that the owners of light-brown eyes (a mixture of the energy of the Sun and Venus) are very impressionable, they can imperceptibly for others very much to experience their offense.

What to expect from the winner of blue sparks in the view? Sinegylase people (color corresponds to planet Venus) - these are romance, people are very emotional, sensual. They are capable not only to be silent to fall in love with a partner, but also to captivate him with their passionate impulse. Their thoughts sometimes be completely unpredictable. By the way, in such people, among other things, a very developed sense of justice is very developed, they are ready to defend the truth sometimes even to the detriment of themselves. Sinegylase people are very truthful. The main drawback is arrogance and arrogance. Such people are very conflict, love to argue, hurry events and are not always able to understand someone else's problem.

People with dark blue eyes (The color energy of Venus is diluted with the color of the moon) is characteristic of perseverance, but at the same time are very prone to sentimentality. Holders of dark blue eyes are easy to succumb to their whims, and their mood resembles an unpredictable spring breeze. Blue-eyed nature tend to remember resentment, and even when they have long forgive them in his soul.

Blue eyes Often there is a hoax. Blue eye holders are purposeful, not too sentimental people. People with blue eyes do not produce tears. Sometimes they are experiencing attacks of strong anger or unfortunate depression. But such mood differences are extremely rare. More often, blue-eyed people are calm, however, the monotony oppress them.

Holders of gray eye Very decisive and smart. They do not resort to the "ostrich method" if problems appear. On the contrary, they solve them without delay. But, at the same time, they turn out to be helpless before situations where the mind is powerless. Gray eyes are a simplicity of sensitivity. So people are wonderful. And therefore - these are the eyes of lucky: they are lucky in his career, and in love.

Dark Gray Owners (grey colour Inherent in Mercury, and his darker color speaks about a small impurity of Saturn) stubborn and bold. They are selfless, possess strong will and decisive character. These people are often jealous, although they do not strive to advertise their quality. If your satellite life has dark gray eyes, then you are lucky, because such people are almost always monochrome.

If you have gray-green eyes, I can say about you that you have a very strong will. You have any vertex on your shoulder. Although you are considered intractable, but often it is precisely this helps you to achieve the goal. Holders of green eyes are sometimes tackling, which can show in solving important issues for themselves rigidity, and in exceptional cases - and cruelty.

Green-eyed people - This is the tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, warmly and distinguished by the loyalty to those who have chosen. Green eyes are often inherent in real knights. Friends appreciate them for reliability and kindness, enemies are hated for the principle and hardness. They are good listeners and interlocutors. In general, people with greens - the most prosperous category. They are stable, but the imagination is not devoid. Excellent copes with senior positions.

Tiger eyes - YellowThere are very rare people. People with eyes have rare talents and can, as they say, read other people's thoughts. They are artistic and creatively suitable for any cause. If there is nothing wrong with your mind, then one pleasure to communicate with such people.

In addition to the fact that the color of the eyes, one way or another, affects the character of a person, on the eyes themselves and the eyes are influenced by the sign of the zodiac to which you belong.

VirginFor example, possess a flirty look, and their eyes are always clean and innocent.
Scorpions endowed with dark eyes that just attract to themselves.
Streltsov Different eyes "with spark". Their view of Lucav and mocking.
Capricorn - Mostly owners of dark eyes with a close look.
Aquarius You can determine the thoughtful or scattered look of smart eyes.
Libra Possess a dreamy, soft gaze, often directed towards the sky.
Raki. - serious people. In their gaze, as in the head - many plans.
Lions Possess a magnetic look that attracts attention to themselves.
Aries possess a piercing "fiery" look.
Twins Easy to learn about flirty glances in combination with a ringing laughter.
Fish They have mainly a melancholic or mysterious look.
Teltsy From nature, there are very expressive eyes with velvet eyes.

Wise people say that eyes are a soul mirror. Based on this approval, it becomes clear that the eyes are the main structural part of our body, which gives the most complete information about all internal psychological and emotional features.

Many psychologists seeking to determine the prospects for the development of relations between people, one of the main factors determine the color compatibility. How can this be done, now let's try to tell.

So, people with usually know what they want, and confidently go to the goal. The character and mood is very volatile: then cheerful, then sad, then thoughtful. Enough Pleasters, allow others to lead themselves, but only until a certain point. If you overtake the stick in the "domination" above them, they may be rigidly revenge and quickly will understand what should not be done. Elements of these personalities - water.

Karglase and emotional. Often cause conflict, confident in their rightness, straightforward. Envy, tend to intrigue. But if a person needs their help, unconditionally and quickly provide it, using all its capabilities.

Compatibility to determine quite difficult, because some people have blurred eyes, fuzzy, fuzzy. Yes, and exceptions are enough everywhere. Described, as a rule, classical cases.

Blue-eyed representatives are subject to air elements: romantic, sentimental, are inconstant in relations, entirely depend on their mood.

People with gray eyes are representatives of the earthly element: leopard, calm, easy to communicate. Balanced, but if they are taken out of themselves, not to decide anyone.

Compatibility of people in color eye is observed as follows:

  1. Green-eyed - green-eyed (water element - water element). This union is a tandem of mutual understanding and support from both partners. Relationships will be built on trust and love. However, the long-term union is fraught with the fact that partners will simply get together. Feelings can be stuck, so they must be constantly refreamed. Another Beach of these relationships is jealous: if it is too much, there will be a constant battle between people and contradiction. Moreover, here, as in war, all means will be good.
  2. Compatibility of the color of the eyes between the green-eyed and the cararelase partners is defined as initially incredible, but as a result of strong and durable. Fire (brown eyes) warms water: pushes the partner to the action. The relationship will lead water. If the fire tries to take the dominant position, the union sends.
  3. Green-eyed - blue-eyed (water element - aerial element) - the union is practically impossible. Constant disputes, prosperity, but also mutually beneficial communication. You can get a lot from communication, but it is rare to meet, but to maximize the benefit of this.
  4. Green-eyed - Seruoglas (Water Elements - Earth poems). Compatibility of eye colors in this case is very promising. But only if the leader will be an artistic partner. He will be supported, and support will help to achieve green-eyed a lot in life.
  5. Carbonous-carbonous. Eyes color compatibility in this case is very ambiguous: Understanding on summitBut mutual coexistence is problematic. Relationships are usually just friendly. If you have a common opponent, you can unite against him. If you fight with each other, you will die together.
  6. Karglase - blue-eyed (fire element - air element) Union emotional and active. Partners constantly heat the relationship with disputes and shakements. The most important thing is not to overload the stick (I started the carrageglose here).
  7. Karglase - Seruoglasie (fire-land). Relationships are equal, there is no leader. Pretty Tandem in work. In privacy, strive for mutual respect.
  8. Blue-eyed - blue-eyed. Positive relationships, the union is strong and favorable, especially if the interests of partners coincide.
  9. Blue-eyed - artistic (air-land). Points of contact is not enough, the Union is working. If the seruginous will dominate, the blue-eyed partner will leave and will not prove his point of view.
  10. Seruoglasy-serulyasy. Relationships are built on the benefit, there are no romance in them. Good luck will be accompanied only under the condition of an equal contribution to your union, mutual respect.

It should once again note that the color compatibility is composed on the basis of astrological coincidences and centuries-old observations. But this is not a guide to action! Your happiness depends entirely on you!

Health eyes

Color compatibility, what to expect you from your partner

Do you know that the color of the eyes can be determined not only by the character of a person? The eye color has a different meaning, namely, you can find out if you come to each other.

Color compatibility allows you to disclose both negative and positive moments that can happen between you and your future partner. Knowing this value will avoid errors and make a joint life perfect.

The color value of your partner's eye and their compatibility with your color makes it easy to understand how easy it is or difficult for you to get along together. After all, some people due to some features can make concessions, others against consensus. Some love themselves more, and the second preferred to give themselves to a loved one.

At the same time, determines the compatibility of characters not only the color of the eyes. Such a value is very conditional and shows only what a person is inclined. It is not necessary that these "addictions" will be displayed in the hablings of the future partner. On the other hand, if they are seen, then knowledge will make your relationship - stable and long. So:

If you have a brown eyes, then you are considered a born leader who unlove to make concessions ....

Brown eyes + brown eyes - compatibility Shows not the best results. After all, can you get along in one house at once two leaders? What are you that your partner will always want to show each other your strongest features before each other. Therefore, a variety of quarrels may occur, from small disputes to serious scandals. However, the situation will correct the situation, which will be wiser and still give way to the supremacy with its second half.

Brown eyes + green eyes - compatibility.It is believed that people with Karim's color are more capricious, while green-eyed - patient on their nature, pliable. However, people with green eyes also love to lead, like carbonous and therefore small quarrels still not avoid. The second should be understood that they are not guided in this union, and their partners. Despite this, the most successful marriage for you is with green-ventures.

Brown eyes + blue (blue) eyes - compatibility. People with blue eyes up to the blue - creators. They love to work and do everything with their own hands. Unlike such people, you as the owner of Karich's eye prefer to give his work to fulfill other personalities. It is this trait of character and connect you, since you and your partner will learn what to learn. It is noteworthy that you both lovers live "on the full coil" and, therefore, you will never be bored together.

Brown eyes + gray eyes - compatibility.It is believed that the "colder" color of the eyes, the more partner suits you. As a result, the logic and common sense will reign in your relationship. But this does not speak at all about the lack of romance and love in them. People with gray eyes are no less impulsive than you. They are also trying to lead and do not know how to conduct homemade life. Therefore, marriage with such people should think.

If you have a green eye, you are distinguished by stability and have a tendency to stubbornly. You know what you want from life and therefore you are considered a principled and purposeful person.

Green Eyes + Green Eyes - Compatibility. It is believed that the owners of green eyes are jealous. It is this character trait that can destroy your relationship. However, mutual understanding will always be present in them if you learn to manage negative emotions. Such a union is considered very successful, since you both know how to be frank.

Green eyes + brown eyes - compatibility. With carbohylase partners should be very careful. They are leaders, as you are. Successful will be union with them if you are patient, which will help you get along with impulsive, fundamental cargoles.

Green eyes + blue (blue) eyes - compatibility.People with blue or blue eyes can be excellent partners for you. They will inspire you and activate you, and you, in turn, calm them. However, this is possible only for a while. Such an alliance will not be strong due to the fact that you will constantly press each other.

"Romantic, emotional, vane and even fearless," this is what they say about people with blue or blue eyes, in particular about you.

Blue (Blue) Eyes + Blue (Blue) Eyes - Compatibility. For you, an alliance with a partner who owns similar color of the eyes is the most successful. You will complement each other and every day, lasts together, will become a real holiday. However, to destroy your union may be life. That this does not happen need to include a cold calculation in this matter, accurately distribute the duties.

Blue (Blue) Eyes + Brown Eyes - Compatibility. Your partner has a too hot-tempered character that explains the alternating mood. Today, Karaglase wants it, and tomorrow is another. At first it will be interesting to you, but sooner or later it is still getting tired. Therefore, to name such a union is successful, it is impossible.

Blue (Blue) Eyes + Green Eyes - Compatibility. If you learn how to cope with your emotions, then you will be lucky to make such an alliance strong enough. A man with green eyes will be a certain sedative tablet for you, and you are an activator for him. But will you like to constantly direct your partner?

Blue (blue) eyes + gray eyes - compatibility. You will be considered a leader in such respects. Therefore, the duration of your union will depend on you. Sergious people ruled the element of the Earth. This explains their shyness and difficulty open something new. And you have the opposite, you like to make new feats and even risk. Consequently, you should think very much - does this "squat" and a duplicate friend arrange?

You are considered a person practical and realistic, loving to work and not ambitious.

Gray eyes + gray eyes - compatibility. You will be easy to stay next to the same person as you. In your relationship will reign mutual understanding and respect. You will not find fault to each other about omissions in everyday life. Life for you is far from the main thing. After all, you just will be comfortable with each other, which is already important for a long relationship.

Gray eyes + brown eyes - compatibility. People with brown eyes are not very strong in keeping household, and you will be able to terms with this for a certain character trait. But the permanent "psychos" of Karglase can destroy your union, since you are more striving for smooth and quiet life.

Gray eyes + green eyes - compatibility. Your union will be successful if you gently show that the leading position is not your partner. To do this, you need to keep green-eyed in every way and go a little concession. After all, the leader is a manager, and the wise leader manifests itself in such a way that they cannot be offended by the subordinate and at the same time, seeking his own.

Blue (Blue, Gray) Eyes

So, if your eyes are cold color, remember: nature requires you constant energy emissions.

Therefore, you can not win the lottery, you will not help advance in life influential people.

Fate will not make you a gift. For every smile, she will require you a maximum effort.

This is your share. And this share is beautiful, because your energy is a breakthrough energy to the goal, the energy of the conversion of the world. You are a man-creator. And all the world - Only the material for your bizarre ideas. All you have been allowed that I sincerely want. Do not be afraid to resist others.

People with warm eyes will perceive as the truth of any of your project. They will be happy that you exist - the carrier of absolute truth, which will save them from painful searching for their own way.

And now I will imagine that, waking up in the morning, you have created a plan for a day that looks like this: Punch your own forehead four brick walls. Labor day completed, and you only punched three walls, did not have time to fourth.

The unsighted energy will deprive you of peace of mind, demanding the exit.
It can be released, by talking for several minutes with the carragelasm of a person - and your dissatisfaction will be removed. The most quickly and painlessly excessive energy will leave you in the process of communicating with the opposite sex partner with a warm color of the eyes.

The owner of Karich Eye will be the best companion for your successful procession in the life path.

With him, your energy exchange is perfect: you willingly drop excess energy, he accepts it with gratitude.

According to astrology, your eyes are the mixture of the energies of the Sun and Venus with the impurity of Saturn. Therefore, you are endowed with attractiveness, sharp mind, sensuality, witty, temperament. You are sociable and easy to converge with people. You are very in love, however, how fast you light up, just as quickly and cool. You can say that you are extremely quick-tempered, but you easily forget the resentment. Your disadvantage can be considered frequent whims.

Karie (black) eyes ...

If you are the owner of Karich's eye, then putting the target before you, do not prepare yourself for exhausting work, and, above all, make a bet on the ability to like people.

Do not worry, you are also an active converter of the world, with the only difference that you exercise our projects with other people's hands. You should have enough wisdom not to rush into battle with open pick.

Remember: you will always disturb the lack of your own forces. Consequently, attractiveness, capriciousness and ability to wait - three of your trump cards. Learn to use them to use - and the surrounding victims are for the right to present you all you want.

Remember that the blue-eyed and sermorands seek to reset the excess of their energy in you: you can either accept it than bring them relief, or refuse, thereby forcing them or suffer, or to search for another "receiver."

To prevent the second version of the development of events, take care of your attractiveness. Do not allow negligence in your clothes, nor in hairstyle, if this is not a tactical trick.

Watch out for the speech: Jargon words you are not to the face - use only carefully selected words and phrases that will work for your image.

Satellite of life in the crowd of adorations Choose according to the principle: who is more able to donate for you.

Require at least the easiest victims constantly. This will extend the choice of one, making it meaningful.

The most reliable foundation for creating your family will be owners, of course, blue and gray eyes.

Being nearby, you will hand over so much energy from them that any life of the sea will seem not deeper than the knee. Astrology will add from themselves that your eyes are a mixture of the energies of the Sun and Mars, and therefore you can love very selflessly, you have a strong will and decisive character. You are often jealous, although do not seek this your quality to advertise. You can always rely on you - you will not let down.

Green eyes…

Green is a uniform mixing of two colors: blue and yellow. You have an uniform mixing of two energy - donor and vampire. The uniform imposition of two polar colors is the key to the fact that you, unlike people with gray-brown eyes, do not fall into extremes, and look for the "golden middle" life.

Therefore, if you are the owner of emerald eyes, your main goal in life is to reach agreement with itself. What would you think that you would do, you need to be proud of our thoughts and actions. It is important for you that you are satisfied with the people you value. If you have nothing to reproach yourself - the world is bright and joy. You firmly know what qualities you should have, what are your friends and the subject of cardiac attachment. If a person matches your requirements, you will rather give off your skin than the hair to fall from his head. But grief to someone who does not fit your requirements! With him, you allow so much negligence that there is also (sometimes without any reason) acquire the enemy.

To simplify life in marriage, I advise the green-minded people to connect your life with the same lovers of the Golden Mid, that is, with the owners of the same green eyes, as well as those in whose eyes there is a green shade.

Astrologically you are the most tender people in the world. The color of your eyes is the mixing of the energies of Venus and Neptune. You always love sincerely, hotly and distinguish the farewell to those who have chosen. Friends appreciate you for reliability and kindness, enemies are hated for the principle and hardness. You are good listeners and interlocutors.

You are stable, but the imagination is not deprived. In general, you belong to the most successful category of people.

Hero-brown eyes ...

If you have gray eyes with thumbnails of karelo or brown eyes with gray splashes, you will not be offended by the number of people who kept their knees in front of you. True, there will be a lot of time before, before one of them, you have a relationship, which can be described by the word "constancy".

The reason is your contradictory, incomprehensible both for others and for you the very character that is formed by mixed energy. In a man with gray-brown eyes, a donor and a vampire simultaneously coexist. And each of them persistently requires life right. Therefore, sometimes you want to feel someone's limitless power over yourself. This donor spoke in you. But this melting suddenly replaces thirst for tyranny. This means that a sudden donor inside you gave way to a vampire. It is not easy for you to live in the world. But it is not easy for people next to you!

Most sturdy seven You can create with the owner of the same as yours, gray-brown eyes. Only with it your power failure will be ideal.

Astrologically, the color of your eyes belongs to the two opposite luminas - the moon and the sun with an admixture of Mars. You have great viability, initiative and turbulent character. The color of your eye testifies to the passion of man and his lovingness. No obstacles on the way to the adorable object to stop you unable. Although your obsession can bear you not only the joy of victories, but also bitterness of hasty decisions.

Gray-green eyes…

You already, probably, realized that the presence of green in the eyes is a signal of a deterrent that does not allow to fully show itself hidden in the depths of the soul with the elements. Thus, aggressiveness, self-confidence, despotism inherent in people with gray eyes, cannot be fully implemented if the eyes of this person sometimes become greenish. Your designs are bold and bolders. There is a ten times of your energy to embody them, but many of them are not destined to prove to life. Cause? You can't conflict with expensive people for you, you can not be cruel with those who love. And without it, do not produce serious transformations.

You always choose a partner yourself, but you are not enough for the feeling to be hushed up only one heart.

If the lover does not flame with retaliatory fire, then your dust also fades. And if the flames swung on the second heart, then you are fanatically committed to your choice. And only one circumstance can make you change your choice: if you felt that someone more than the current chosen one needs your love. And people with green-brown eyes always need in your love. They are capable of making you real happiness in family life.

In accordance with astrology, the color of your eyes belongs to the mixture of the energies of the moon and Venus with a mixture of Energies of Mercury. When you are very smart, you are impressionable, you can imperceptibly for others very much to experience the resentment you. You are shy, prone to solitude, dreamy. You can consider pragmatic, diligent, and at the same time a romantic person.

Green-brown eyes ...

Green in these eyes does not allow to fully develop neither donation nor vampirism. You will definitely try to take everything that is possible from others, but not shamelessly, as the carrageglase. You will try to bring to understanding people to do what you need, first of all, in their own interests. Therefore, if you have a green eye, then you are inherent in the philosophical mindset and the talent of the diplomat. You are not enough just to turn your back to someone who ignored your request, you need to make sure that he regretted his misdemeanor. To do this, you can put your own well-being and life on the card. Sometimes you are avennted and ruthless. In a balanced state, you are a philosopher. First, you like when you are calm and rosy, and this is not achieving, without resorting to wisdom. And secondly, explaining to people as it is to you need to treat and what exactly you are required from them, you have developed the ability to logical thinking, reinforced by weight argument.

The ideal base for your family is people with gray-green eyes.
Astrology believes that the color of your eyes is the mixture of Saturn, Mars and Venus energies. You can say about you that you have a very strong will. You have any vertex on your shoulder. Although you are considered an incomplete, it is often that it helps you to achieve the goal. Sometimes you are plump, and in exceptional cases - and cruel. Sometimes you experience the attacks of a strong anger or unfortunate depression. But such mood differences are extremely rare. Most often you have a calm harmonious location of the Spirit.