How to transfer thoughts at the distance to your loved one. Telepathy - technique for the transmission of thoughts at a distance. The main signs of telepathy

Is it possible to transmit thoughts at a distance? In the 20s XX century Academician V.I. Vernadsky introduced the concept of noosphere, defined as a "reasonable" sheath around the Earth.

In my understanding noosphere is a kind of field in which all the thoughts of all people on the planet are located. I would not call it a collective mind or public consciousness, no, it's rather a field where everything is flying without parsing.

In essence, the thoughts you think are not born in your head. They come to you out. Just from this field. This feature could easily trace those of you who, in order to "strengthen the strength of thought," engaged in the practice of "not mind", that is, stopped his thoughts.

When I watch my silent mind, I notice how different thoughts in the literal sense of the word attack my head, try to break into my space in my mental shell.

Remember, you probably had situations when some thought right bombards you besides your desire. Happened? Our mind has two functions at all: taking thoughts from the outside and create them on their own. We are with you, people seeking to fulfill their desires, very often set up their minds to create their thoughts and images.

We do this by prescribing our desires and mistaken affirmations, we visualize our desires. That is, we will create their own thoughts and convey them to the nosphere.

But already from the noosphere, who can catch this thought? And anyone! Now let's go to practice and see how you can pass thoughts at different people.

My dear, immediately make clarity. We can't call anyone! We only send our idea to the nosphere to convey it to another person. All this is quite harmless.

So, one day I really wanted to call me one young man. My longtime familiar, with whom I did not communicate very long ago. And that's what I did.

I began to mentally imagine what he would tell me if he really called. I came up with such words that I knew exactly what he could say. To do this, I turned to my memory and remembered how before he started his phone call to me.

And he started his trite: a long stretched "hello", then pause and "how are you?". I presented not only the content of the text. I also reproduced in the imagination of his voice, intonation and manner to make emphasis. After this image, I switched to another.

I presented how the phone calls, I look at the screen and see that he calls, I see the name he is written in my phone book. Both of these visualization I "Moving" with emotions that I will experience when it really calls. So, of course, I will come to ...

Hmm, what am I telling him? Probably it would not be bad to learn about that ... That was the course of my thoughts. I fully believed that I would really get a call from him in the near future. And in the end, he called me about 5 days. Everything went exactly according to plan.

When I saw his name on the screen and then heard these "hello" and "how are you" - I am a little spoke. Incredibly, how can you pass thoughts at a distance!

How to attract a message from the right person?

And now the second story. About sms. This story was shared by the girl she told:

I really wanted to make a man.

In the evening, on a piece of paper, spontaneously painted a dialog box as in Vaiber and text from him: "Hello, I miss you."

After about two hours, I came from him a message in Vaiber with exactly such text.

Blimey! As you can see, mental visualization works, and the fact that we will write on paper. Do you want to get a call or sms from some person? Then try. No magic. Only the power of aimed thought!

These two stories are clearly shown as one person can direct thoughts on a call or sms to another person.

Do you know how it looks like the side of that person, whom did the thought directed? He will be absolutely sure that this is his own thought!

And now think, do you think your thoughts now?

How to make a man think about you?

Many people ask me whether it is possible to "work" with a person at a distance. I answer all - you can. At the beginning of the article you read how our thoughts move from one person to another.

Now I want to tell how to send my thought to "caught" her needed man. It is done very simply - using your imagination.

You simply imagine this person and imagine that in his head the idea you need.

And now I will tell you a more piquant way to suggest a person's thoughts, and not even thoughts, but rather a desire ... that is, that a person thinks about you. This is suitable only in the case of love relationships.

The author of the Magic Touch method is Amarg Killer.

Method "Magic Touch"

Imagine your man is naked. Your next step is to stretch your hand and touch it. Use your visualized feeling to erod it with your hand. If you lose a general picture of this person - this is normal. Just concentrate on the body area you touch.

If you can not imagine how specifically it looks like this part of the body - finish it (still work). The use of touch in your visualization is the most important aspectTo make a man think about you.

This skill must be developed, and you must practice touch in your mind so that you can "feel" this is your mind. When you touch someone in your visualization, you create a terrific powerful connection with this person.

It is a "magic" touch that will enter a person in frenzy and attract it to you. Learn it with your fingers, palms, hands and give it time. Let your imagination learn each perception when you touch the person.

You create in your mind that you are doing with them, and what they are experiencing. Allow your fingers and your hands to explore various areas their bodies: nipples, mouth, ears, inner thighs, hair, knees, etc.

No other technique of your mental ability can compare with this use of touch, and there is no person to avoid this. If you do it just for five minutes, then create an effect that can last a few hours.

Today, science is interested in such a question as the possibility of transferring thoughts at a distance. We all know that the thought is expressed by words and is transmitted to the distance with the help of radio, television, newspapers, books, movies. In the shorter clinopy, the thought of ancient ancestors comes to us; Treasures of libraries keep thoughts accumulated by centuries. Without the transfer of thought it would be impossible to communicate people and the development of society.

And someone else's thought can come to mind.
Valentin Domil

Myth or reality?

Feeling of someone else's glance

Reading the book, we suddenly feel that someone looks at us. Turning and really seeing a stranger alien look. How could we feel it? If anyone begins to look closely at us, focuses on his attention, he to some extent changes his behavior: it starts to breathe otherwise, stops moving, he has a different heart, and so on. And, although these are very weak The signals do not reach our consciousness, they can be perceived by the brain and cause the reaction.

We do not suspect how complex perturbations occur in the body with changes in the external environment. And many of them are absolutely not reflected in consciousness. This does not indicate the limitedness of our consciousness or thinking. No, on the contrary. If consciousness perceived all the signals, then thousands and millions of irritation would continue to intervene in our life and violated the integrity of the perception of the outside world.

Therefore, in the process of evolution, nature has created mechanisms that turn off the stream of insignificant signals at the moment from the inner and external environment and retained only the most important, most significant signals and impressions. This makes it possible to concentrate attention to the most important objects, that is, focus.

Thus, what we feel, but do not catch consciousness, is by no means something mysterious. Attempts to declare this supernatural indicate a misunderstanding of the phenomenon or deliberate perversion of facts.

Experiments on the transfer of thoughts

As is known, the process of excitation of living tissues is accompanied by electrical phenomena. Knowing electromagnetic induction laws, some scientists suggested that the brain generates electromagnetic oscillations, which are distributed, like radio waves, in space and can be perceived directly by any other brain, configured, so to speak, in "Resonance".

In order to prove it, they began to conduct experiments on the transmission of thoughts in the usual room and in the shielded cameras whose walls were absorbed by radio waves. Moreover, sliding screens were closed or discovered them unnoticed for persons in the chamber and transmitting thoughts. Such experiments have shown that metal screens worsened or even excluded the possibility of transmitting thoughts.

It would seem that it spoke about the electromagnetic nature of thoughts. but negative side Such experiments were that they, however,, as in general, all experiments on the transfer of thoughts could not be repeated with other researchers.

Meaning the most important condition Any scientific and reliable fact is its repeatability, that is, the ability to reproduce the experiment under similar conditions. Experiments with the transfer of thoughts did not satisfy this main condition. It is difficult to say what's the matter here. Whether experimenters were mistaken and as a result of any circumstances of experience gained erroneous conclusions, issuing the desired for valid.

Or was the phenomenon itself was so difficult that with repeated experiments, no unknown circumstances were taken into account, which did not give the opportunity to reproduce it?

It is possible that there was also the case. But be that as it may, the facts themselves caused doubts and continued to be a mystery.

The appearance of thought

Let's try to figure it out in some sides of this phenomenon. First of all, answer the question: is it possible to generally the emergence of thoughts not related to any direct external impression? Can thoughts appear due to any sensual motives?

This question is the subject of philosophical disputes over the Millennium. Idealists, Churchmen believe that thoughts arise without a visible connection with the phenomena of the external world acting on the central nervous system man that the cause and source of thinking is "Divine Soul".

Materialists claim that whatever thought arose in our brain, it is the result of certain impacts of the environment of the environment or nerve impulses entering the brain from internal organs With different violations of their activities.

The whole history of science development exposes the fanatic fiction of the clerks and confirms the correctness of materialism. The great Russian scientist I. M. Schenov first showed that the basis of thinking is the mechanism of reflex - reactions to external irritation, and the genius I. P. Pavlova was able to reveal the mechanism of these higher forms of reflex activity and give the world the main laws of the brain. Thus, the idealism was caused by a crushing blow in its main shelter; Challenged for old views could only obscurantia, neglecting scientific facts.

In order not to be distracted, we will not stop on a very difficult issue about the physiological mechanisms underlying thinking. We only note that, although the thought is the product of the brain, the thinking itself is also due to the influence of the social environment in which a person lives.

Thinking man cannot develop in itself. Even the most difficult creature - the human brain can not give birth to any thought, being granted to himself. The brain is only a tool of thinking, the content of the thoughts is given to the outside environment.

Instincts, some desires are not always realized, but they reflect certain biological needs organism. Sometimes you can observe how children eat chalk; They greedily nibbled by sugar. This is the expression of the demand of the growing organism in calcium salts necessary to build a skeleton. The causes of such reactions are far from always reflected in consciousness.

Direct transfer of thoughts from man to man

In foreign press, there were reports of attempts to direct transmission of thoughts from a person to man. In particular, it was told about such an experience. Submarine plunged into the open sea; In one of her cabins was a man. Staying alone, at certain hours, he sat on the table on which many paper cards were scattered. Each of them was drawn one of the five figures: a circle, asterisk, cross, three wavy lines, a triangle.

Looking at the cards, the person chose any one. Then he put the card into the envelope and seal it, pointing to the date and time. The captain locked the envelope into the safe. For many days of swimming days in the safe accumulated a pack of envelopes.

Another person was in the room of one of the buildings on the shore. There was a circulation machine with thousands of cards, on which the same five figures were depicted. The machine automatically stirred the card and threw one of them at a certain time. The man took the card and looked attentively at her, as if trying to convey the thought of her to another person on board a submerged submarine. Then he seal the card into the envelope, wrote a date on it, time and gave it to other people who locked the envelope into the safe.

When the boat returned from the swim, the Special Commission laid down the envelopes so that there were those who are marked with one date and hour, and then revealed them and diminished cards. It turned out that in 70 percent cases of figures on cards from the corresponding envelopes were the same. This made it possible to make a striking, although an unlikely conclusion: through a large distance and the thickness of the water, the thought of one person was transferred to another without any auxiliary means!

Having learned about it, the military argued. In fact, in this way you can transfer messages and commands. According to the theory of probability at five different signs Random coincidence is possible only by 20 percent; Consequently, 70 percent of the coincidences could not accidentally arise. Such comparative accuracy of coincidence is sufficient to transmit any information with similar conditional signs. How important is it! After all, with all other ways to transfer, information can be intercepted and decrypted.

But is such a simple and amazing transmission of thoughts possible? After all, if this is so, then why was humanity to use the signal fires, postal pigeons, to invent Telegraph, telephone, radio? All this somehow does not fit with the sensational report on the experiments on the submarine.

Opinions were divided. Some believed that such a way of transmission of thoughts is a hoax, others believed in this and led numerous examples of premonitions, coincidence of thoughts and action in people at a high distance from each other; They also referred to various everyday facts, cases described in the literature, the opinions of writers, scientists, etc.

No words, similar facts are described. However, the situation in which they arose, and often their maintenance devoid of all these facts of scientific accuracy. Moreover, messages of this kind usually spread and spread all sorts of obscurants to evaluate the "communication communication", "Divine Revelation" and so on.

Telepathy - not having reliable experimental evidence the hypothetical ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state of another brain or body at a distance, or to take them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation.

Naturally, real scientists and generally serious people will disappear from such messages just like the fairy tales of the debt and houses. In science, the final judge is only an experiment, experience. And such experiments were repeatedly undertaken in different countries. If you exclude the numerous izhattami charlatans like spirits, etc., then studies that fully meet the conditions of the scientific experiment was not so much.

Our consciousness

The works of academicians K. M. Bykov, V. N. Chernigovsky and their employees were proved that our internal organs are sent in the brain many nerve impulses. These signals reach the highest brain departments, but are usually not reflected in our consciousness. However, this happens only as long as the internal organs are healthy.

As soon as the disease occurs, that is, as soon as signals from the internal organs acquire greater strength, the person begins to feel them. He feels a sick liver, heart or kidney.

These facts show that meanwhile that we realize and do not realize there are no impassable abyss. Some processes can, as if disappearing from consciousness. Anyone who first sat down on a bike, knows what efforts, attention and will are needed at first to keep equilibrium.

And then, when the skills are already purchased, these actions are performed automatically, and the person no longer thinks about what movements need to be taken to keep the equilibrium. This activity proceeds in addition to consciousness. A person who knows how to ride a bike, does not think about the signals that are invalid about the change of the position of the center of gravity and the balance of equilibrium. Immediated conditional reflexes continue to be carried out without monitoring creation.

The reason for the occurrence of such automatic skills to the person himself is clear - the cyclist remembers how he studied to ride. But it happens that some conditional reflexes may occur under the influence of signals, which from the very beginning remained behind the threshold of consciousness. For example, we give an interesting experience.

The man was in Pavlovskaya "Silence Tower", isolated from the outside world. No random sound, light, smell could not penetrate there. Man kept his hand on the electrodes. As soon as the current passed through them, he cut his hand, as he felt pain. Each time before turning on the current in the chamber, the special device served a very weak sound - so weak that a person did not realize him, and it seemed to him that there was silence in the chamber. After a number of combinations of the "sweaty" sound and the current began to turn on the sound alone, without reinforcing it. And the person comes the same reaction as under the action of the current!

This experience can serve as a bright example of the so-called premonition. A number of weak signals unnoticed by us may cause certain reactions; However, their reasons for the person themselves remain incomprehensible.

Transfer of thoughts with a look, touch

The activity of the brain is harder and wider than our consciousness. Consciousness - the result of the work of some group nerve cellsThe most intensively current currently. This group is inconsistent: new and new cells are continuously included in it. However, in the cells off from intensive work, certain processes continue, which are not directly reflected in consciousness. But these cells will instantly bend prior to our consciousness vital signals.

It is clear that the emergence of thoughts is possible under the influence of certain impacts that themselves remain unnoticed. But may ask a question: aren't the experiences with "transmission of thoughts" something extraordinary, which can not be explained by science yet? After all, artists are acting on the stage with amazing experiences. In the crowded hall, the audience come up with tasks, they write them on paper and transmit the jury.

The artist at this time is behind the scene, then it is removed on the scene and invite one of the audience, who invented the task. The viewer takes the artist by the hand and that focusing, begins to perform the task. The only form of communication between the spectator and the artist is at this time the viewer's hand, firmly compresses the hand of the artist.

Sometimes it is not even done - the viewer is simply next to the artist. What way the artist recognizes the conceived? It is necessary to immediately emphasize that these experiments have nothing to do with the theme that the real article is devoted, for it does not occur here, but guessing thoughts.

This process resembles a common children's game in quiet music. One of the players goes out of the door, while others hide any object. When a child begins to search, someone plays on a musical instrument. If the seeker is approaching the subject, the music is enhanced when it is removed from the subject, the music becomes quiet or completely silent. Focusing on the power of sound, seeking, in the end, finds the subject and performs conceived order.

Approximately the task and the task and the artist with the difference only that the signal for him is the reaction of the viewer who has conceived desire for him. Himself without noticing, the person squeezes the hand of the artist with a different force and the stronger, the greater the action of the artist reminds the condition of the task. Other audience reactions can be used.

A long-trained artist easily catches any reaction and focuses on it. For this you do not need to possess any supernatural a little. After training, each of us is able to perceive the impressions that previously remained unnoticed. It is known how thinly feel the sounds blind, as they are finely developed with the touch, smell.

So after all, is it possible to transfer thoughts?

Thus, science has not yet answered the question of the possibility of transferring thoughts. Scientists now work on it. It is possible that some new things will be revealed before us, unknown phenomena. After all, amazing things were recently discovered. The ability of ultrasound location in the bats, the secrets of the mysterious "dance of bees", with which the insect transmits to its fellows on the ulle's accurate information about the location of the flower field.

It is possible that in the described facts of the transfer of thoughts, some ability of the human body is manifested to use the phenomena of nature that we have not yet been studied. Perhaps this form of communication is a "remnant" - the legacy of past times, the lost majority of people as an unnecessary form of communication, as more advanced ways of communication of people have developed and developed.

Only future research will be able to answer all these questions. If these phenomena and facts exist at all, they cannot have anything to do with mysticism, idealism and Popovshchina. The church has always tried to speculate on ignorance and use the difficulties that arose in the study of nature.


Only a materialistic worldview is an instrument of knowledge of the world, and there is no doubt that this is the only right way to a person deciphers many more "wonderful" in nature. And no matter how difficult these phenomena are, a man will make them serve themselves.

Learning to transfer thoughts for huge distances
How to learn telepathy is to transfer thoughts to huge distances and read the thoughts of others.

Telepathy - Transfer of thoughts at a distance without the help of the physical senses between the receiving and transmitting individual (gearbox and recipient).

Almost everyone has this property, but few may and consciously perceive and transmit information correctly.

Each of you can remember cases from your life when, for example, you think hard about a person and it appears. Or when this phrase flies with dialogue: "You read my thoughts! I wanted to say the same thing!"

Most such accidents seem miracle or fun, but few people thought about the fact that it is quite characteristic of a person. However, we do not pay much in this life. Some skeptical person speaking are all fictions, the game of imagination, however, none of them realized that this is "obvious" also amenable to research.

A lot is written about telepathy. Basically, the understanding of this "miracle" came from the east. Ancient researchers wrote a huge number of works devoted to the self-knowledge of a person, which is not reading. However, behind the veil "I don't want" these works are still inaccessible to the average person. Let's try to open the curtain!

Basics of telepathy.

I understand, everyone does not tolerate as soon as possible to learn how to train such a valuable ability. But wait, you have to tell about the basics. When people communicate, they use only three types of exposure:

A) sound, namely, the penetration of sounds.

B) gestures and facial expressions, as well as all other physical actions.

C) intuition, subconscious factor. Directly telepathy.

With the first two points, I think there are no questions. We are interested in the third case.

Surely, many have noticed that there are people who can smile, make compliments, but a person is still unpleasant. And when you ask why you did not like Mr. N, usually answer: "I don't know, I just didn't like it - I can not explain."

In order to understand why Mr. Mr. became unpleasant, you need to enter such a thing as "setting". Each of us, when talking, tries to penetrate into the inner world of another person, in order to better understand him and, accordingly, to answer him correctly, in order to recover any benefit from the conversation - to come to a general agreement, or vice versa, quarrel ...

The correct setting on a person gives a lot. If you describe it in a nutshell, "you feel in his skins" and returning to your own - report that they are felt that. Why do we set up in the experiments on telepathy? It is necessary so that you correctly formulated the image of the person you want, something to suggest. So, I offer several types of settings.

Planned setting. (Meditation)

You need to conveniently get a job, that is, sit in a convenient position with a direct spine. Relax, close your eyes, stop the internal dialog, if you can, in general, use any method of preparing for meditation. Represent a direct energy channel into space.

For a few minutes you have to wait, and the main thing to keep the canal in consciousness and not distracted. Next, you are visualizing the image of the person to whom you want to send a telepathic letter. Many advise to remember as many parameters of this person as possible, but I realized that it was not the main thing.

Just feel the presence of the recipient, think about it. You need to hold out in such a state for several minutes. When you realize that a person is like is near you, you need to proceed directly to the transfer of information. About this below ...

Operational setup. (In transport, on the go)

Sometimes it is necessary to give a news about themselves on operational conditions, in such as traveling in public transport, movement, etc. Here, as in the previous case, you must be able to "go to yourself", that is, to create a state of maximum concentration. Many have already experienced such a state - this is when there is no one, except for you and your thoughts. I am sure you had cases when you say something, and you do not perceive the said and ask later to repeat the replica.

Surely the type of such self-reduction is individual. But usually it happens like this: look at anywhere (defocused look, "staring at one point"), thoughts rush in the center of the brain. Note that the brain always thinks differently. Just try to formulate in what place thoughts sweep. With proper concentration, thoughts exist not in the frontal lobe of the brain, but closer to the center or the back of the head.

The main thing in operational configuration is not allowed to outrend you to bring you out of the concentration state. As in the previous case, you need to visualize a person, its parameters (name, surname, place of stay and other). Similarly, let's give a direct channel into space, and then get the transfer of thoughts.

Short-term setup.

This type of setting implies such situations when you do not have time to concentrate, but I want to make yourself felt. This method is least effective, but sometimes works. It is said that Tibetans send telepathic letters very simple. Deep breath, sharp exhale - everything, gone!

In tempting, however, in order to develop such a degree of telepathy, it is necessary to work hard - no one said that it is so simple. Yes, and consider that the ability to take messages is the same hard work. There is even a question that is more important: learn to take messages, or transfer.

In short-term configuration you need iron faith, without any doubt. Well, do not forget love! By the way, this feeling must be present in all techniques!

Transfer information.

So you learned to be tuned. We now turn to the most important - proper transmission of information. Many schools of yoga, esoterics advise various ways to transfer: with the help of chakras, energy. Offer complex various schemes - it's all wonderful, but it does not always work. In our world, everything is so difficult as simple.

The point is not in the method, but in the man itself and its compatibility with one way or another. You see that I do not use any special esoteric terminology in the text. I want to convey the concept of telepathy as it was put in my head and was based on my personal experience.

Suppose you correctly tuned to a person, presented his image. Now you need to stop the internal dialogue and clearly formulate what you want to send. Pay all the attention to writing, feel it. When the letter matures, take a deep breath and on a sharp, but soft exhale push the letter up the channel you installed when setting up.

Keep track of a letter and exactly exactly how it descends through the channel of another person and enters His consciousness. Usually I imagine how the formed letter in the center of the head slows down to the top of the top and the exhale rushes upwards. Perhaps you will present something other.

To the question: "And how do I find out that the letter reached, or whether it was my letter?", - There is a sinic smile: telepathy is ungrateful. Do you know why? Because no is not fiction. Here you will not see how your message will sound in our ears, or the hologram of your thoughts will come.

Everything will depend not only from you, but more from the recipient who will at best remember you, but will not give the meaning.

Ways visualization methods.

Representing the energy channel, you will need to choose which way it is better to send letters. You can, as I have already written above, represent the information ball and send only it. You can use a short pulse system that you will send, say, in 10 seconds.

You can also try to make your thoughts become the thoughts of another person, but this option requires a sufficient training. Obviously, you can move yourself to where your friend and from there lead the situation, but all this is not entirely telepathy - there are other processes that require the more consideration.

Spontaneous receipt of information.

I do not get tired of repeating that the feeling when transferring or premature a telepathic letter is purely individual. Here you yourself must determine how you feel that "someone is knocking on you in the brain." Usually it is goosebumps in the field of the nape, the blades, in general the spinal column. It can also be felt warm on the painter, or "nail". Here I define yourself.

Actually, with a spontaneous receipt of the letter, you will experience some of these sensations. It is very important to understand who sends you a letter. Here I advise you to relax a little, clean the thoughts, and then abruptly let them. Who do you remember the first one is the desired. In India, it is generally believed that the first impression is the right one.

Targeted receipt of information.

If you have agreed with a friend about a telepathic session, you need favorable conditions. One must correctly send, the other is to take thoughts. In this case, two-way setting is required.

To receive information, it is necessary to enter the meditative state (tune in), clean the consciousness and interrupt the internal dialogue and only after that think of thought into consciousness. It is not difficult to guess that you need to visualize the ball with information, descending on top of the communication channel.

There is still a very important thing in bilateral experience. Some it seems that telepathy is like a conversation on the phone. That is, you can interrupt another person at any time and yourself. This is impossible. Imagine what will happen if you send two trains towards each other by the same rails. The same principle and in telepathy: two thoughts aimed towards each other will face and do not reach the recipient. It is necessary to agree, who will send thoughts, and who to accept.

Other aspects of telepathy (thoughts and sensations).

By definition of telepathy, it is clear that this is the transfer of thoughts. It is worth noting that the thought (or thought form) is not a specific value. It may be the sound, color, taste, any image, in a word to all the fact that we perceive our senses by our bodies. In my opinion, there is no special difference when sending a thought or image. Many protesting against it, the intercourse fails by the fact that "incorrectly send - it is necessary to send a thought, not a feeling."

I do not agree with this, so I advise you to send all possible sensations. How perfectly send a sense of love to someone from your acquaintances and share this joy with them. I'm not saying that you can treat people. Try to inspire a feeling angry person, I assure the result will be instantaneous.

To properly send sensations, you need to do everything the same as described above, with one as amendment - try the most clearly submitting the subject of the parcel and believe more.

Energy and its role in successful telepathic experience.

It is important to understand that the energetically, the depleted state of the body reduces all attempts to have no experience. It is not at all here that the energy industry affects the course of the process, but, most likely you yourself will feel our insecurity and unwillingness of successful experience. A sufficient amount of energy is directly proportional to your mood, the ability to love and truly believe in success.

The most successful experiments are obtained in the "sublime state" when love does not know the borders, I want to jump high in the skies. Surely everyone had such moments of enlightenment, but they should be caught and even more - to do their own, improving themselves, their attitude with people and the whole world. Energy, as I said, plays a paramount role here.

A brief scheme of action with telepathic experience.

1. Setup. Take any convenient position with a straightened spine. Imagine a glowing straight cord that connects you with space. The cord shines and sparkles, passes through the top and along the spinal column. The same cord is to present the person to whom you send thoughts.

2. Stop the internal dialogue, that is, clean the brain from thoughts. Concentrate and segregate from the surrounding world. There is only you and a telepathy object! Imagine a person as much as possible as if he was standing next to you. Look not through your eyes, but inside yourself, with a population, if you want. There inside and imagine the image of a person.

3. Formulate the thought / feeling / image in the center of the brain, the center of consciousness - the main thing is that it does not look like a superficial representation, or imagination. Next, with deep breath form, conditionally, the ball with information, and with a sharp, but soft exhale mentally send the ball up the canal.

4. Imagine how the ball comes to the recipient, what emotions are experiencing your friend, and what makes it.

5. Thank Higher Structures!

In this to become, I want to tell you about the most effective methods known to me how to transfer the thoughts to the person at a distance, as well as warning from possible dangers that lie on this path.

How does it work?

My name is Maria, and now for 6 years I have been doing the techniques of suggestion of thoughts at a distance. In the books about it, it is written very simply, in reality you need to have a huge motivation and constantly pumping the power of the will! I'll tell you on my example, as I reached my goal. If you are persistent and do not leave the case after a pair of training, then everything will work out!

I studied at the first courses of the Psychological Faculty, when he was fascinated by the psychoanalysis and theory of Jung. Then I went to the theory of collective unconscious. Its essence is as follows: our mind other than personal information has always had and will have access to universal knowledge. It is like a network that affects everyone. And both we communicate on the telephone network and the collective unconscious allows you to "reach" to the other, to transmit thoughts at a distance. As F. Begbeder wrote:

"What is the bolder I play with your subconscious, the sufferness you are conquering me."

How to prepare for suggestion of thoughts at a distance?

It is important to understand that telepathy is not with consciousness, but with subconscious structures. The best training will be techniques who will make you go beyond the boundaries of the usual "I", for some time to refuse restrictions wealthy since childhood. In my case, I was helped by yoga and meditation, which I was engaged in the time for several years. Another good way Touch the subconscious - conscious dreams. Art. Laberg wrote a lot of practical books on this topic. The main thing is to remember: if you decide to do it, it is impossible to stop at half the way. Your determination is the key to managing the thoughts of another person at a distance.

The technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance: stages

So, you learned how to configure the subconscious and are determined to continue work. Excellent! The main thing, remember: if desired, everyone will do it!

  1. Preparation of the room. For practice, you need to pick up comfortable conditions for you. How do you feel more pleasant in cool or warm? With light music on the background or with incense? In the dark or in the world? Create all the conditions to relax as much as possible, and go ahead!
  2. Preparing yourself. Sit (or lie) in a convenient position, disconnect mobile phone. Concentrate on breathing: inhale on 4 bills, and exhale 8.
  3. Visualization. Most people visuals like me. This means that it is easier for them to perceive visual information. At the first attempts to suggest thoughts, I was easier for me to work with a photo of who thoughts are inspired. Hold the photo in your hands for a while, set to a person, remember it.

If there are no photos, or you already have a certain experience, close your eyes and mentally imagine your goal. Her or his hair, smile, gait. What now this person can do and how does he do it? If you are an audio (one who easier perceives information on rumor), concentrate on the memories of the voice of a person. Is he loud? What language? For kinestics (such people are familiar to orientate in the world, relying on tactile sensations) a good helper will be a thing associated with an object. For example, it may be a gift from this person, a personal decoration or a handle, which he wrote for a long time.

  1. Telepathic effect. Only when you are fully tuned to a person and it seems as if it stands right in front of you, you can start this stage. You must send a clear request or phrase to whom you are affecting. Confident, harsh, voice that does not require failure, say your request. Better out loud. To begin with, it is worth using simple tasks like "Call Marina" or "You want to eat." It is important not just to transfer the verbal team, but to feel it. In the example with the phone, imagine how the object is calling at the specified number. And with food - transfer the feeling of hunger. Be persistent, but do not stuck here for too long! 3-4 minutes enough.
  2. Exit from state. A very important point that is often not taken into account newcomers! After transferring information, concentrate on yourself, sensations in your body. Hug yourself, you can pinch. You need to feel yourself as part of your body. Looking around, focus on familiar subjects. So, you are a huge well done, if you did all this way! Allow yourself a little rest or eat sweet. For example, I prefer to go to a small walk.
  3. Training. Not always, the technique of suggestion of thoughts is obtained from the first time. It is important to remember: you have already done more than most newcomers before you! Already you can not stop there! Assimate to admit, but I once surrendered after the first two attempts. I resumed the training only a few months later, when I met my current mentor who could do with people really terrible things if I wanted! Repeat your workouts from 2 to 5 times a week. Remember, the more stubborn you will try, the faster to achieve the desired one. And I checked on myself: each person has such abilities. By the way, it was even proven in the neuropsychological brain laboratory.

Restrictions and possible consequences

There are more inspired and less inspired people. You can influence any - the main thing to subjend the moment when it or it is less protected.

  1. The easiest way to influence loved ones that do not bet between you and the borders. After all, telepathy can not only harm, but also support, transmit a sense of protection and even improve health.
  2. The most unprotected periods of human life are moments of bright emotions (grief, joy, fear), sleep (using the above-described technology, you can learn how to influence the dreams of a person), communication with loved ones (for example, lovers as weak as much as possible when they enjoy each other's society).
  3. Remember! When you install a telepathic connection with a person, your mind is also open to him, albeit to a lesser extent than him. Do not start learning from influence on enemies, murderers or just dark people. The consequences may be very deplorable!
  4. Do not forget about the effect of boomeranga. Negative impact Wrap for you with negative consequences.

Technique of rapid effect on human thoughts

This method I began to apply when I achieved the first success in the technique of suggestion of thoughts at a distance. It is not always possible to allocate enough time for telepathy, especially with my tempo of life it is difficult to find a suitable place for this, when there is a need.

So, to use this method, you need to write a request in a clear wording on a small piece of paper. While you write what you want to convey to another person, mentally remember his image, voice, character. What you write should be addressed exactly the object of your impact. It is desirable that at that moment you did not distract anything.

When the message will be ready, the most important stage occurs. Combinate a sheet of paper, firmly squeeze it in the fist, close your eyes and once again mentally repeat the promise. And then without unnecessary dealers burn a sheet with a message. Although using the lighter, even though the candles are more convenient for you. That's all, the action can be considered complete and can be returned to ordinary life!

Telepathy with animals

Often, the methods of suggestion of thoughts are used on animals. This is especially true for trainers: only a deep subconscious contact with animals will achieve heights in the dress. Unlike a person, to "communicate" with animals, it needs to be seen, and it should see you. Here is visual contact and long-term communication before the use of telepathy technician. Therefore, the best object will be a home dog or a cat.

When you are fully prepared and tuned to the animal, sit opposite it (or take in your hands) and look closely in his eyes. Casting the moment when the animal will catch your eyes, and mentally send an order or request. The message must be the most simple and natural for the creature ("obey me", "respect me"). Repeat this ritual daily to consolidate the feedback on the animal.

So, if you read this article, then you are ready to develop and pump your knowledge in the field of unconscious. When you feel that you confidently cope with the above-described techniques, start creating new, adapted for your unique person. After all, no one knows you better than coma you yourself! Do not stop for what has been achieved, on this portal you will find a lot of articles that will promote you on the way to self-development.

How can I learn to transfer thoughts to another without uttering them, at any distance? Learn an effective way!

Telepathy sleeps in each of us!

Each person has extrasensory potential that sleeps. It can awaken at any time, just will enough will and intent.

For example, the ability to telepathy¹ has each person, it is simply in an unconscious state.

Many people had such situations when, when they thought about someone, a call from him was heard or it turned out that at the same time two people thought about each other.

Humanity is in illusion, thinking that words are the only way to transfer information. All people live in information space: the latest scientific research in the field of quantum physics suggests that matter does not exist, there are only moving waves of different density, the energy that carries information.

Also also thoughts of man. They are electromagnetic radiation, waves of certain frequencies. A man with developed high-intestaciousness can consciously transfer thoughts and perceive them. Such unicorms are called telepaths.

Our brain does not store all thoughts in yourself: it emits them into space, and the results of the latest research begin to confirm this fact!

So, in order to develop your telepathic abilities, you need to increase the level of extrasensory sensitivity. This is the skill to train.

This article describes one interesting way For the development of the ability to transfer thoughts to the distance.

How to learn to transfer thoughts? Effective technique!

To transmit thoughts, you need to be visualized² and. Methods for the development of these abilities you can find in the notes to the article and on our website.

The fact is that our consciousness is very associative: it uses various images that carry a large amount of information. With them you can develop the potential of the brain much more efficiently. One of these characters restored from ancient sources is used in the method below.

1. Practice sits down or falls, occupies a comfortable position and closes his eyes.

2. Gradually, he enters. For this, the muscles of the body and face relax. Feeling relaxation, a man focuses on his breath, the feeling of every breath and exhalation. Gradually, this will stop the flow of thoughts.

3. Feeling immersion in a deep trance, practicing visualizes the face of a man whom he wants to pass thoughts. Present a person needs as realistic as possible!

4. Now above the face of the practice creates an image of a seven-pointed star onblue background. Inside Star O.represents a white triangle vertex top so that it coincides with the top of the star.

5. The person continues to visualize the figure fromstars and triangle, making herbright and clear. At the same time, he holds the face of the object.

6. After some time, he will feel that the communication channel is ready, and begins to send a thought, internally repeating it. The practitioner represents how the figure over the face as if resonates, vibrates, for each pronunciation of thought and conveys it to the right person.

7. After 5-10 minutes, practice can be finished.

You will be surprised by the effectiveness of this method!

At the beginning of classes, it should be borne in mind that thoughts need time to reach a person, and it is not so strong, not so charged with energy. Gradually, with a skill time, you will learn to transmit thoughts very quickly!

This exercise will increase your concentration and hypersensitivity, will develop work in the changed state of consciousness: you can use these results to develop your superpowers and bring telepathy skills to perfection!

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Telepathy - not having reliable experimental proofs The hypothetical ability of the brain to transmit thoughts, images, feelings and an unconscious state to another brain or body at a distance, or to take them from it, without the use of any known means of communication or manipulation (